International student can study Physiotherapy or Nursing, and intern for some time on American soil

Hi guys!!
I am 19 years old, I am currently studying Business Administration, but it is not the area I want to work for the rest of my life.
Today I teach volunteer computer classes for the elderly and disabled, and I really like what I do, and I am looking for an area that I can work with this public, I come to mind doing Physiotherapy or Nursing, but I will be an international student, because my dream is to go to college in the USA and a continuation in Portugal, but I don’t know if these courses focus on the area of ​​study, or if it’s just focused on “how to work”
I am in doubt which course to take.

Removed Name

Your question is not clear. It sounds like you are already in college. Are you interested in transferring to an American university or just looking for an internship? It is very hard for international students to work in the US due to stringent immigration rules. Why do you want to come to to the US? Would it be possible to do a year abroad to study at an American college?

Or are you asking what major you should study in order to achieve your career goals? That is a completely different question.

If you are interesting in transferring, you should know that American colleges are very expensive. How much can your family afford? Do you have grades or test scores? That is how colleges would evaluate your application.