<p>I'll be a 10th grader next year but I'm graduating early, so technicallly a soon-to-be 11th grader . I'm not a stellar academic student with 14 years of violin and such, (like alot of the other international students) but I do alright.</p>
<p>I'm looking into Caltech (my dad's dream), Berekely, and Stanford as my SUPER reaches. JHU as my reach but an okay reach, WashU, Rice, and NotreD (because I'm religious lol)</p>
<p>Lets assume I will be a 11th grader next year. Here are some stats:</p>
GPA : 4.0 UW/ 5.0W
School : New Mexico Public
(this year's class has 1 Princeton, 2 Notre Dame, 1 Duke, 1 Cornell, 1 Purdue, 1 Wellesylen? among the many)
Rank : as of now, 1/600ish
Intended major : Biochemistry, Molecular Biology</p>
<p>SATs: 800M, 730CC, 720W T_T (10th)
PSAts: 190 -- 10th grade lol how did this happen?
SAT IIs: Took Biol for a horrible 750. Thinking of retaking in Nov or so. (10)</p>
<p>Will take SATIIs in US History, Math IIc, Phys, Chem, and Spanish.
Expecting 750 + for all of them, except Spanish</p>
<p>APs: [5] Biol (10)</p>
<p>I'm too lazy to take standardized tests, but this year I'm forced to take:
-APCalc (Bc or AB, depending on if I want a light course or a heavy course)
-APUS Hist
<p>Next year:
-AP Calc (if i take AB this year)
-AP Euro
-AP Lit
-AP Art
-AP Spanish
-AP Phys C
-Self Study AP Env. Science
-__? </p>
<p>And will have 12 AP Classes by Graduation. </p>
-Summer Math/Engineering Program (8,9)
-Took Calc 1 & 2 at the Local State University without recieving credit; recieved A's.
-Clarinet 5 years by graduation
-Statewide Math Competition Finalist (8,9,10)
-Math Team co-captain, local competition- 4th place, overall - 3rd (both 9th)
-Team captain and state competition 2nd place (10th)
-MESA (9,10) treasurer (10)
-Outdoorsman Club (9,10) VP (10)
-National Honors Society (10)
-Art Honors Society & Club (9,10)
-Physics Club (9)
-Varsity Swimming (9, 10)
-Amnesty International (9,10) secretary (10)</p>
<p>-Minority Conference at State University, representative (9)
-Accepted into Medical Program but had no money (10)
-Who's Who (which everyone has, but..) (8,9,10)</p>
<p>-Volunteer at Hospital (150+ hours by start of Junior year)
-Translator (sermons) for Korean Church (A LOT of hours)
-Church Choir (9, 10)
-Youth Group (9,10)</p>
<p>-Poverty (>$20,000) lol, if that will help me any
-Dad's a Ph.D student in Algebra.
-Fluent in English & Korean, learning Spanish (horribly)</p>
<p>Thats...really about it.
I'm expecting a recommendation from my AP Chem teacher (who was also my chemistry teacher) who graduated from Rice and went on to recieve a Ph.D there in Chemistry. He likes me and so, I'm pretty sure it'll be great.</p>
<p>My essay, I'm going to write about how "different" (or stupider) I am compared to other International Students and explain why I would make a good student because I've failed and had no money and learned more in life and blah blah. :) I konw it'll be good, because I'm good at the "inspirational" essays; just not analytical. </p>
<p>I don't know - I'm not that stellar in anything really, not an international competition winner and haven't spent 15 long years with an instrument- but I'm a happy and loud kid from a poor family. </p>
<p>I'm good in math/science related fields and I know I can manage some nice scores this year. </p>
<p>So....any recommendations? I know my super reaches (StanfordT_T) but do you think JHU, WU, and RICE are also big reaches? It sucks because I'm also an International Student. <em>sigh</em> Never going to college....</p>
<p>Thanks. Thanks alot and hopefully, you'll leave a comment~</p>