<p>I'm a Honduran recently graduated (FYI: my high school's senior year is 11th), from on of the most prestigious (at least top 10) private high schools. </p>
<p>My GPA (probably, haven't seen it yet) is 4.0, only on this senior year (probably the best of my class)</p>
<p>My GPA, overally, on high school, is between 3.3 and 3.7.</p>
<p>I haven't done the SAT, but I did one just test myself, without studying or anything.
-CR: 570 (I firmly believe I can improve 100 points)
-Math: 460 (without a calculator)
-Writting: 420 (without the essay)</p>
<p>Recommendations: my teachers love me</p>
Went three times on a row to Math Olympics
One year to Model UN
Third place on a chess tournament (Does this count?)</p>
<p>Essay: No idea</p>
<p>Do SAT Subject Tests help?
Any suggestion for the essay?</p>
<p>Notre Dame right now is my first option, what are my chances?</p>
<p>Minimal to no chance for all the schools you listed.</p>
<p>So, to what colleges do I have chances for? </p>
<p>Probably a few hundred others but we need to know more about you. Ability to pay, small or large school, intended major, hobbies and interests are a good start.</p>
<p>Ok, I’ll add more information:</p>
<p>-Ability to pay: I’ve talked to my parents, they haven’t given me a number yet, but I can’t expect no more than $15,000. Both of my parents are unemplyed right now.</p>
<p>-Inteded major: I’m between Philosophy, Physics or both.</p>
<p>-Hobbies: Reading. Practice badminton every weekend. </p>
<p>-Volunteer work: my high school organized, twice a week, a visit to a local hospital to visit children with cancer, a nursing home, or similiar. Not documented, by the way.</p>
<p>-Religious affiliation: Roman Catholic.</p>
<p>-Interests: international politics, history, science, literature</p>
<p>not high, like at all</p>
<p>not very good chance sorry</p>
<p>Even with math Olympics…
No to all of them. I never thought that I would say ‘no’ in this forum…Notre Dame, Brown, Chicago, Boston are just impossible for you.
The reason is this:
- Being an international student already sets a bar higher.
- Need for aid makes it much worse.
- You SAT score is far below the average, and you haven’t even taken SAT IIs??? What were you expecting?
- Unimpressive ECs. Many, many applicants have leadership in their clubs, won several awards, internships, etc. And they still get REJECTED. </p>
<p>You must scratch off those schools right now and make a new list. </p>
<p>What you can do is to improve your SAT I-practice every day-and raise your scores so that when you apply other schools, you can get merit scholarships solely based on GPA and SATs. With that CR and Math, you cannot get any aid from any school…Have you considered ACT?</p>
<p>Ms. Latina - I don’t think it’s realistic for you to study in the US. Your stats are too low for merit based scholarships big enough to cover the $20,000 to $40,000 yearly gap between the 15k your parents can contribute and the cost of tuition, room & board, and travel expenses. Perhaps attending university at home or perhaps in another Latin American country would be the more affordable option. Sorry…</p>