<p>I'm a girl who wants to study International relations/studies. The only problem however, is where to study it. My three options are:
Yale University
Oxford university
London School of Economics</p>
<p>I find the educational system in the US more appealing than the UK one. I like the fact that you can study so many different subjects independant of your major. The problem however, is that I prefer UK over US when it comes to the fact that I have to live there. I don't find it really tempting to live in the US, but I feel that the American universities are better. Soo, any comments or suggestions? Where would you say I'd get the best education?</p>
<p>LSE is really famous for international relations. Not sure of the other ones. Regarding university I guess it depends on what you want. If you want an intense look at a subject go for the UK if you want to learn more about different things but less about a specific field go for USA. Regarding the quality of universities LSE and Oxford are regarded as world class and are in a select group of trully outstanding Unis in the world (including others such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Uni of Chicago, ETH Zurich and etc...) so I don't think it would be a major problem. If you want to live in the UK it would probably be best to go for one of their uni's and if the USA one of theirs.</p>