international studies & journalism (mass communication)

<p>Currently i'm attending the university of Iowa. I originally thought i would be able to get instate tuition for three of the four years here however, it didnt work so i am thinking of transferring. I am originally from Wisconsin and was looking at maybe transferring to madison next year. how good is their international studies program and their mass communication program? Should I consider another school in Wisconsin? isit worth staying at iowa for their programs but thousands of dollars in debt?</p>

<p>The only school for you to consider is UW-Madison, no other college in the state is as good. Not worth incurring extra debt for Iowa. Only stay if you absolutely love the school and feel it is worth the extra money. Iowa is a pretty campus and good school, but not worth going into debt for.</p>

<p>The J School as it’s commonly referred to is highly ranked and well regarded. There really isn’t any other school you should consider in Wisconsin. That’s not say that there aren’t some other decent colleges (e.g. Lawrence, UW-La Crosse), but UW-Madison is far and away the best.</p>

<p>I am a J-School grad from Iowa, class of many moons ago. Aside from the potential cost, are you enjoying it there?</p>

<p>One of my D’s two degrees at UW-Madison will be in Life Science Communications (within CALS), and was formerly called Agricultural Journalism. Might be something to check out if you transfer–it’s a small, cohesive & well-run department.</p>

<p>This info might be a couple years old, but last I checked, the International Studies department was extremely popular, thus staying in that track re: getting into necessary classes at the right time before they fill up might be a little rough.</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>