<p>So what's your idea on the Internet Addiction Disorder?</p>
<p>Personally, I like my addiction, but I can quit any time I want! [/sarcasm]</p>
<p>Seriously though, I don't think it really exists and that we (those with said IAD) have too much time on our hands.</p>
<p>addiction to cc!!</p>
<p>College Confidential Addiction Disorder. CCAD :D</p>
<p>Mad adDICTiOn to CC!!!</p>
<p>/me is addicted to IRC.</p>
<p>I have a pretty bad internet addiction
I need to get over it before starting college.
I doubt it'll happen though.</p>
<p>Internet has become a very big part of our everyday lives. It'll be regarded the same as technology pretty soon. We're subconsciously addicted to technology, but nobody cares because we rely on it. I think it'll be the same with the internet.</p>