How common is it for Engineering majors to land internships just after freshman year at? Also, does going to Tufts increase chances of landing a top internship and which companies, based on past experiences, have you or your friends gotten?
I’ll be minoring in CS does it sort of put me at a disadvantage in getting CS focused internship or Tech internships in general?
Thank you!
Unless you (or someone in your family/friend group) know someone, don’t plan on getting an internship after your freshman year, regardless of where you go to college. I’m in that search this summer and it’s very depressing – most internships I’ve found in the NYC area require that you have at least two years of experience, and some prefer graduate students! It does of course depend on your qualifications at an individual basis, but my roommate who is quite a good programmer also hasn’t found anything. He did just get a phone interview for a job at a major airline company, but it’s not even somewhat related to his major.
It helps if you are willing, and have the financial means, to stay in Boston. However that’s cost-prohibitive for many students and in my opinion is a waste of the last summer where it’s acceptable not to be working/interning.
@Livingteen1209 - I cant speak for an engineering intern but for CS being a committer or founder of an open source project would be very helpful. That being said getting a post freshman year internship is very difficult. My D sent out ~50 apps received a couple of interviews and zero offers. This year she had two offers from financial services firms!