Interracial Dating in college

<p>Hi guys :)
I'm a black female and I've always been attracted to white guys. I grew up in a predominantly black country and currently attend an HBCU. I was seeing this white guy who lives out of state and when I told my friends about my preference I could see their expressions go from shocked to slightly angry. They would call me a traitor and one of my close friends even really got on my case saying things like "I hope you have fun with your white worm" and that really offended and hurt me.</p>

<p>I'm transferring to a predominantly white school and I wanted to find out first, how should I deal when people say hurtful or racially insensitive things. Because I'm kind of soft spoken and tend to smile and nod things off.</p>

<p>Secondly, what is the interracial dating scene like at PWS's? I'm kind of nervous about how to approach white guys as the only white guys I've dated approached me first and that was a special circumstance.</p>

<p>Also, does anyone have any stories they wanna tell about their interracial dating?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>I’ve dated interracially before. You don’t know how to approach them or if they’re even attracted to black girls (which I find dumb b/c we come in all shapes, colors, and sizes…). But other than that, I’ve dated black guys. I’m with a black guy now. But I guess I would say it never hurts to be friends and casually bring it up. You never know. I never really did b/c I felt like a lot of them just wanted to talk to girls of their own race anyway. </p>

<p>How was the circumstance special?</p>

<p>"I never really did b/c I felt like a lot of them just wanted to talk to girls of their own race anyway. " I always feel like that and it makes me not try :(</p>

<p>I call it special because it was during a leadership conference and most of the other girls in our group were either taken or obnoxious and me and him were like the only single ones. But we ended up hitting it off and clicking anyways which was nice :)</p>

<p>^^^ Oh I got you. I mean okay my good buddy is white. I don’t think he’s ever dated a white girl. His exes are all black and/or hispanic. And a looooong time ago before I was with my bf now, he straight up said “you never know if they like black girls or not until you talk to them.” So basically don’t judge until you know the guy. Just approach them like any other guy. I know it sounds majorly hard, but disregard race, just approach them like you would with any other guy you may like. I did that in 8th grade with this guy I really liked (I was going through my love for skateboarders phase lol), and I think I asked him out.</p>

<p>PS the whole friend thing is not cool. If they treat you like that, they’re not your friends. A lot of black people are just as racist as white people but will never EVER admit it. I mean, my friends never cared what race I dated but how the guy treated me. In fact, my friend loves Hispanic guys with the Cali swag (smh). My other friend has dated all kinds of races (her current bf is black and hispanic). You like what you like, so don’t change that for them. Love knows no color, and if it does, it’s not love.</p>

<p>Some people will care, but if it makes you happy why does it matter? One of my hosts has said to me “I hope you like white girls cuz there’s a ton of hot ones!” So it is what you make of it. I could care less as long as she’s nice and pretty.</p>

<p>never have but i am both nervous and excited to because of my college choices i have to choose between spelman and university of denver both not very diverse im a little nervous about if i pick DU how my social and date life would be because of the low african american pop.</p>

<p>@BeautifulNerd219 thanks, a lot of the things you said really hit home, I just hope I’m able to put it into practice when I change schools, lol</p>

<p>hahahaha i used to think white guys were cuter…and now i think it’s the opposite</p>

<p>But a guy is a guy…he’s either cute or not…regardless of race</p>

<p>Lol no prob @punkchique been there done that
Lol I had a phase where I was like I’m looking for a sexy white guy. But I ended up with a blockheaded black guy lol who cheated. Then, I was like see should’ve found a white guy (my little joke to myself).
OMG OMG OMG Drake’s new video is on…I LOVE HIM. I’ve loved em since I was 11. LOL. My boyfriend told me to turn to the video. </p>

<p>Okay tangent over. So yeah. After that, I ended up meeting my boyfriend who is black. So now I’m happy. Race doesn’t matter at all. He makes me :-)</p>

<p>^ WORD. Drake is soooooooo fine omggggggg</p>

<p>usually AA/white mixes look the best (for guys) haha</p>

<p>but not to stereotype usually black guys are players</p>



<p>The sexiest fellow I know, my teddy bear, does not fall under that bone-chilling generalization. OPEN YOUR EYES. ;)</p>



<p>I’m quite confused as to how your statement isn’t stereotyping. Self-contradiction much? :p</p>

<p>And I like 'em the same way I like my coffee: black. >5’7" is a must as well, as I have a proclivity for wearing heels–certain height differences can prove to be quite awkward in certain situations.</p>

<p>yeah i tried to stay away from this thread because of the generalizations that ksarmand has just pointed out but i feel the need to represent on behalf of my chocolate brothas ! lol </p>

<p>in short, men are men. being a dog doesn’t apply to certain skin tones or races . asian, black, white, hispanic … doesnt matter . please, don’t throw the brothas under the bus . thanks =]</p>

<p>well, i’m in an interracial relationship; my gf is chinese, vietnamese and black. i’ve dated black girls and hispanic girls but never a white girl … they don’t exist in my school district lol. but i guess i’m open to the thought of dating them in college . as a black man though, i feel like i have an obligation to marry a smart, beautiful african american woman. besides the hype that i guess can be associated with a black guy and a white girl, it’s just my strong personal urge to find a black mate to settle down with and have children … this is attributed to my own personal experiences with my parents’ abusive relationship and their subsequent divorce . i feel like it’s my duty to make up for what my dad missed out on, and that’s being a good father to my children and the best husband i can be to my wife.</p>

<p>just my .02</p>

<p>fyi, i saw drizzy’s new vid today on 106&Park … pretty fresh</p>

<p>I gotta say I am apalled. Black guys are usually players? Thanks for the props. (Sarcasm). I know I like girls that look good. That’s usually it. Haha. Kinda shallow I know. But one thing that used to upset me: Girls ould say "you’re really nice/cute/funny/smart but I don’t see you that way. Then, to add insult to injury the guys that they claimed to be looking for had alot of the same characteristics as me. However, the guys they usually went after were thugs or some other bad black sterotypes. (These were mainly black girls, mind you) Another thing: I was too nerdy/white (read: speak proper/pants on my waist/did well in school) and then when ever I would talk to white girls they would be like "Why you with the white girls all the time? Let’s just say that got really old, really fast. But now, who’s going to college? Who’s gonna have a job in 4 years? Who are they gonna wish they hadn’t blown off? This guy. lol. No hate though. Just sayin.</p>

<p>^As a black female, I must say that not fitting into the role of preening and prettying myself up for the opposite sex has not been peachy, either. (having interests outside that is anathema to a good deal of my classmates :() Just having natural hair was an issue among my classmates for years; one couldn’t claim their femininity without submitting to chemical relaxers and the like. Stepping outside the circumscribed societal lines makes for difficulties, no matter your genotype (and this includes all my XXYers out there:)).</p>

<p>^LOL nice venting man; i feel you. i ran into that with a lot of black girls too. a lot of the girls i used to approach were looking for that gangster mentality and thug look, yet at the same time they would condemn the way they act in public or ramble about how they mistreat them smh. i mean, i have swag and most of the time, i’ll throw on my baggy jeans and timbs because that’s what i’m comfortable with but i make sure that it’s clean and not sloppy . but i know when and where to turn it off, get serious about my education and do what i have to do. unfortunately, the black girls that i’m used to can’t seem to appreciate that; they want the whole persona 24/7. i dont know; i guess college filters those kinds of girls out. i think we’ll have better luck finding an intelligent black girl that appreciates what we have to offer, mouse.</p>



<p>Quoted for braggadocio.
ilu, man. But I just couldn’t help it. :D</p>

<p>You could be my wingman! Seriously though, I know how it is. I feel like more girls will appreciate our type in college. In the end, we’ll have the ones that didn’t want us in the first place and ones we actually want now to boot. I don’t sweat it anymore. I’m not doing my thing and thats good enough for me so thats what it is.</p>

<p>P.S. I got swag too. Ask my classmates about the t-shirt, jeans, and white sneakers look. (some say I would be Kid Cudi if I was taller and light skinned) As we say around here, I’m fly. Haha</p>

<p><em>is ignored</em></p>

<p>Thanks, guys. I’m feeling the love here. A+ for gender inclusiveness. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Ah, the joys of being a gadfly as midnight approaches. Unparalleled they are.</p>

<p>^ The boys in this thread are funny XD</p>

<p>@justadream: I feel what you’re saying about the pressure to settle down/raise a family etc. within the race. I’ve dated 2 white guys in a row so now my mom is like <em>sees random black guy</em> Oo0o0o he’s fine! Why don’t you date him??? ‘disappointed look’
Me: Mom…I think he’s like 25…
Mom: Oh…well maybe later. At least get his number!
‘sigh’ lol</p>