Has anyone had an alumni interviewer not respond to his/her emails after the interviewer has contacted you to schedule an interview and you replied with some dates/times?
I received an email to schedule an interview, emailed back in a timely fashion, received no response for a week, followed up by me sending another email, receiving an email from the interviewer, then me responding, and now nothing back from the interviewer.
Is it a weird game that they play, not responding to gauge one’s interest in the univ/college? Or are they just busy/forgot. Because right now I’m in the midst of scheduling 2 interviews, and one is the above mentioned scenario, and one hasn’t responded after I emailed a response to her initially contacting me (it has been about a week since I replied, I will wait another day or so to follow up I guess)…
Stressful, any advice?
Okay thanks!
Because one requested an interview within the following 10 days… However, I responded to her email the day after she contacted me, and it has been a week since I replied (thus the 10 day time frame is running out) and she has not responded to set up a time to meet yet
Old people (like me and probably the interviewer) are not as attached to our e-mail as younger people. 
It is decidedly NOT due to game-playing. Did you email again? Is there an area organizer you can check in with? Just follow up so you get your interview. My son had one interviewer’s email in his spam folder, so things do get misplaced. Good luck!
Probably busy. They are the ones you should give the benefit of the doubt to most often IMO. Don’t stress too much over it, it’s nothing personal. Happened to me. I mean… they do have their own lives/jobs.
Did he/she leave a number you can contact him/her at? If you are worried you won’t be able to get the interview done before the deadline, call the person who’s in charge of the interview process at the school and let them know