Interview, Yes or No?

<p>I know the Wellesley interview is optional, but I can't decide to have one or not. Would you recommend it? Does it hurt your chances of admission if you do not have an interview?</p>

<p>I got in fine without one, although I do think that I was a strong candidate. I do think that unless one feels that they are truly socially awkward and would really botch an interview, that having one is a minor net positive, but no more than that, even if the interview goes very well.</p>

<p>I also got in without one. I decided not to do interviews for any of the schools I applied to, and it turned out okay. I don't think I would have gotten in to the schools I got rejected from even if I did an interview. Good luck with your admission process!</p>

<p>I didn't do one either, and I got in just fine =D
Although I also feel I was a rather strong candidate.</p>

<p>I don't think it hurts your chances if you're a strong applicant who they'd want on campus anyway. If you can, I think it's a worthwhile thing to do, since it shows them that you're genuinely interested in the school, and it gives you a chance to ask questions/tell them more about you in person, rather than on paper. If you do it with an admissions officer, too, that gives you a connection with someone on staff who has met you, which probably can't hurt. </p>

<p>It's your decision--probably won't make or break your application, but it potentially could give you a little personal boost. :) </p>

<p>The Wellesley interviews are really nice and informal--not scary or intense at all. Mine (on-campus) was pretty fun!</p>

<p>Agreed with LaMariposa, it doesn't hurt your chances not to do one, but it does help your chances to do one.</p>

<p>An interview isn't just a chance for the school to get to know you, but it's also a chance for you to get to know the school! The interview got me really excited for Wellesley, my interviewer was so positive and supportive (it was in her office back in my state).</p>

<p>I am an international student and I would love to go for an interview! Except that there aren't any interviewers near me :(</p>

<p>^^Well as mentioned before, if you can't do an interview then it's fine! Your admission chances will not be hurt by this.</p>

<p>no interview for me either, yet i was accepted. i don't think the interview will ever make or break the app to be honest. i'd say do it because something good could come out of it</p>

<p>okay so my interview is in 2 weeks…i was wondering what I should prepare…should I really bring a list of all the things I want to ask? What will the alumna ask me?? Help would be appreciatedd!!</p>

<p>I had my interview last week. It was really great - mostly just a long talk. The first thing she told me was that the interview isn’t going to say anything bad about you because Wellesley will assume that it’s the interviewer’s fault if it’s a bad report, not yours. I made the mistake of not coming up with too many questions though because she only had two questions for me (What extra curriculars are you involved with/What classes are you taking) so the interview didn’t go on for that long. Go prepared though. I went over around 30 interview questions before since you never know what your interviewer will be like.</p>

<p>get the interview i you can! I had mine today…and the woman was really nice…she asked me a set of questions and seemed genuinely interested in my responses…her expiriences really helped me decide if I want to go to wellesley</p>

<p>I had an interview a while back and I’m an early decision applicant. I had the interview with a student that works at admissions and she was really nice. It’s really low stress and if you’re the type of person that would do well at interviews, I suggest you do one. I have yet to find out if I’m in or not, but I’m sure that Wellesley won’t think any worse of you if you don’t have an interview.</p>

<p>I have an interview next Tuesday and I’m really nervous about it…
I think that if you can get an interview, do it, but it’s not going to be terrible if you don’t do it.</p>

<p>I had my interview a while ago. It was great! Interviewer was very nice and interview lasted for almost 1 hour and 30 min.</p>

<p>i didn’t do an interivew cause i am not really a speaking person (whatever that means…) but wish i had one.</p>