
<p>Is an interview required? I got an email a while back but I completely forgot to do anything about it.</p>

<p>yeah if they emailed you about, try to contact them back ASAP</p>

<p>Okay, what should I wear to the interview? Business casual? Or just my normal school clothes?</p>

<p>Bus cas is always good… don’t wear school clothes (and pls no t-shirts or jeans)… you got to show some respect for the person who is interviewing you… go with Bus Cas</p>

<p>yeah bus cas is good.</p>

<p>also, try to do some research on the school. i got grilled at my interview, even AFTER i did some research on gtown (also, i had a relative go there, and heard lots of info from him, but still got owned a few times x[)</p>

<p>^ anotherasian, when you got “grilled” (im sure you did fine!) what kind of questions did they ask you? mines coming up soon and im a bit scared.</p>

<p>Don’t be scared. If you don’t know something about Georgetown, be curious and ask them. It shows that you’re interested in Georgetown. Be conversational. You don’t want to seem overprepared, as if you have a script memorized in your head.</p>

<p>my interview was at starbucks and totally chill. so don’t stress too much. also it was only 30 min long.</p>

<p>My interview was at the guy’s office, and I really didn’t know that much about Georgetown. He did a lot of explaining, and if you come prepared with a resume it really helps (they have a checklist to basically rate you with, eg. leadership, community service, passions). I got in EA, but a few of my friends with great interviews didn’t. Just have fun with it and make a good impression, and the alumnus’ll do what they can to help (which really isn’t that much, haha).</p>

<p>So I had my interview…</p>

<p>It was at the public library in a near by town. It was completely relaxing. He had no checklist, he just took notes. It was like sitting down and talking with a friend. As far as getting grilled all he asked me about GU was why I wanted to go there.</p>

<p>I think it went good : )</p>

<p>my interview was at a starbucks too! the man came from a very established georgetown family.</p>

<p>i thought i didnt do too well in the beginning part of my interview; he asked me a lot of school specific stuff, and i had to admit that i didnt know some of it. i basically knew the basics about gtown though, so i guess it was okay (but i would have definitely liked to impress him with in-depth knowledge of the school)</p>

<p>My interview was at his office (Thera Breath) and we talked for two hours. He gave his honest opinion about the school and his life there as a student, so I really enjoyed talking to him.</p>

<p>Mine was at the guy’s office too :slight_smile: I noticed he took a lot of notes (for what?? was he going to send the notes to Gtown??) and he was very friendly. Did you guys all remember to send thank-you notes?</p>

<p>I’ve read some student files (don’t ask me how)… the alumni interviewer rates you on scale of 0-9 (could have been 0-10, don’t remember exactly) and then do a little write up about you (like a one pager)… and that’s what the adcoms see</p>

<p>yeah, an interview is required. you should try to respond to the e-mail within a week. however, it’s not the end of the world. i forgot, and my interviewer ended up contacting ME–they sent her an e-mail, too. however, I suggested where to meet up and at what time. lets see…i met her at Borders like last week. super chill…if you meet someplace like that i’d suggest a)dress shirt and nice pants, but not TOO dressy if you’re a guy, or b)nice slacks, casual/cute dress or skirt if you’re a girl. and yeah, i sent a follow-up e-mail the very same day.</p>

<p>I was deferrred. Would it be alright to contact my interviewer and let him know? Maybe he could make a call and find out why. Since I’m going to wait for RD maybe that might be annoying to the adcom?</p>

<p>I believe your interviewer receives a notice about whether you were accepted/deferred. I just emailed my interviewer last week and was surprised that he already knew.</p>

Not all interviews are set up by e-mail. I got a letter with my interviewer’s contact information (no email, only phone number). Thus, I couldn’t even send a follow-up email the next day. I had to send a thank-you note through snail mail. </p>

<p>I wonder why they aren’t consistent with the e-mail/letters.</p>


<p>apparently they get mailed a sheet of paper listing each person they interviewed and their application status–deferred, rejected, accepted, etc. that’s what happened according to my interviewer, anyway.</p>

<p>p.s. cafesimone–thanks for the info! i was unaware of that.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think for a lot of kids in my area (West LA) the Alumni committee sends letters with the interviewer’s contact info (name, home address O.O, and phone number). That’s what I got, and I called him and we played phone tag for like a day (I decided to call him a week after I got the letter and smooth talked my way by BSing that I wasn’t in town for some conference heeehee). I wrote a “thank you” letter to his home address, because that’s the only one written on the contact info sheet thing I got</p>