Intra-university transfer

<p>so i am currently in watson school of engineering (freshman), but would like to tranfer to harpur college of arts and sciences next semester to major in economics.</p>

<p>technically im not an economics major until i take intro to macro, and intro to micro economics courses. but i would still like to leave the engineering school. what is the process to do this? do i just not enroll in the engineering courses for next semester or do i have to apply to transfer to another school. does it really matter .. since i am only going to take gen-eds next semester? </p>

<p>anyone else done this before? is it hard to transfer into harpur? thanks</p>

Internal Transfer<br>
Students enroll in a specific undergraduate school at Binghamton University. If internal transfer to a different school is sought, a formal application for intra-university transfer must be obtained from the Undergraduate Admissions Office and submitted by the deadline. Spaces for transfer to some programs are limited and competition is keen. Students should apply well before the beginning of the semester in which enrollment is desired. Students are responsible for meeting the requirements in effect in the school to which they are transferring at the time of their internal transfer.


University</a> Bulletin - 1</p>

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<p>talk to an adviser -- they're the ones who will best be able to help you.</p>

<p>woah sweet im doing the exact same thing.. i knew i wanted to before i even came to bing. i want to major in economics to O and on the transfer applications they sed usually a 2.8 or better but they sed coming from engineering if u have like 2.5+ ur in</p>

<p>alright thanks. you’re a freshman engineer?</p>

<p>how do you like Sadik? :)</p>