Introducing new passion in 'world you come from' essay

Okay, I swear I have like three fully written versions of this essay already. I’ve been working on it and shifting focus for a long time, but the one thing I’m not sure about is discussing a ‘dream or aspiration’ I didn’t mention anywhere else.

Like, if I talked about one reason I like the major I’m considering somewhere else, but there’s something else that I’d like to do at some point, does it weaken my application to discuss this in the essay? Is that just confusing?

Loosing focus might weaken the app. Just considering the mass of applications that have to read, summarized, and debated, I would assume a more concise set of interests/aspirations would be better, but I really don’t know. I would say to choose the write up you feel communicates the most important characteristics about you. (I also had 3 write-ups for that prompt) Seems like the most surefire way to go about it. Won’t be a make-or-brake choice anyway.