IR at Michigan

Can’t find much of an IR major at Michigan. They have International Studies and Political science. International studies seems to be substantially different than IR and I believe you can concentrate on IR within the political science department. Is this the closest thing to an IR major at Michigan?

The world politics concentration within PoliSci.

Also, see:’lrelations

Michigan also has PICS (Program in International and Comparative Studies) that’s a newer program (2006?) but pretty well regarded.

The World Politics and International Relations concentration in Political Science is essentially an IR major. But I think you’re maybe making a mistake by looking for too narrow a box to fit in, Think outside the box! Michigan has a wealth of resources and course offerings available to someone who wants to study IR. Look also at the Comparative Politics offerings in Poli Sci; internationally oriented courses in the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy; the various Area Studies programs PICS; internationally oriented courses in history, economic, etc. With a Poli Sci/IR major you’d be required to take some “cognate” courses in other departments anyway, but it’s also possible to combine that major with a minor in a related field, or just shop broadly for free electives that, combined with your major, can give you an incredibly rich exposure to many facets of IR—bringing in international economics, deeper knowledge of critical world regions, historical perspectives on foreign and military policy or on particular areas or controversies, etc., etc. Sky’s the limit.