Is 1620 a good SAT score?

<p>Hi! I am a little worried about my SAT score. Do you think it's a good SAT score? I am applying to Michigan State, Western Michigan, Grand Valley State, and Northern Michigan. So do you think I have a good chance?</p>

<p>530 - CR
500 - Math
590 - Writing
8 - essay</p>

<p>Your scores are probably fine for Western Mich and Northern Mich. :)</p>

<p>Your math score is low for Mich St and Grand Valley. You have a 1620 - which is equivalent to a 23 ACT. That puts you towards the bottom of their mid range students.</p>

<p>did you take the ACT?</p>

<p>Are you instate for Mich?</p>

<p>Mich St</p>

<p>Test Scores
Middle 50% of
First-Year Students </p>

<p>SAT Critical Reading: 470 - 610<br>
SAT Math: 540 - 660<br>
SAT Writing: 480 - 610<br>
ACT Composite: 23 - 27 </p>

<p>Grand Valley</p>

<p>SAT Critical Reading: 480 - 610<br>
SAT Math: 520 - 640<br>
SAT Writing: 470 - 580
ACT Composite: 22 - 26 </p>

<p>Your best chances for Mich State and GVS is by applying as soon as you can. Do these schools have rolling admissions? If so, apply NOW. Schools with rolling admissions are often more lenient when you apply early. They “toughen” their admissions later in the season.</p>