My daughter is in 8th grade and wants to apply for 9th grade. Here’s her SSAT score:
Verbal 749 89%
Quantitative 776 92%
Reading 632 only 34%
Total score is 2157 81%
(The percentage are for the total 8th grade)
We are interested in both boarding and day schools. The Webb schools and Stevenson school are her favorite. Due to her super low grade in reading, is there a possible changes for her getting in and is this a good grade?
Students who take a SSAT are part of a very self-selected group. The 81st percentile scores measures your daughter against only students who are applying to selective private schools. A 2157 is a good score.
There are other aspects of the application that are equally or more important than her SSAT score though. She should apply. Yes, it’s still possible to get in. With a 19% acceptance rate, Webb is a reach for everyone.
Depending on what schools she’s applying to.
I think if she’s applying to the top tier schools, her reading score could definitely improve. Everything else looks great!
With the reading section, I think the best way to master it is to read one book at least every week, practice reading passages, and think of strategies to help comprehend the reading.