Is 3.5 hard to get as a nursing major?

<p>Is a 3.5 gpa difficult to achieve as an average student and nursing major. I had a 3.7 cumulative gpa in high school and took challenging courses. I mean I have good study habits so I will study all that I can and I will limit my partying to weekends.</p>

<p>From my expierence with nursing friends and my mom, they all had 3.8-4.0’s in their pre-reqs to get into the specific nursing program, but when they get into the nursing program it is a different story. But everyone says, if you graduate with c’s or a’s, you are still a nurse. All that matters is you get the degree and pass the nclex. (or however you spell it)</p>

<p>Last year I pulled 3.9 cumulative average. That’s just with gen eds and nursing pre-reqs (Chem, A&P, Psych). </p>

<p>This year I’ll be starting my actual nursing major courses. In my program you need to get a 77 (C+) in every class to move on, so that’d be a minimum of 2.3. </p>

<p>Do you need a 3.5 for a scholarship?</p>



<p>Haha, that’s always freaked me out. The idea of getting the neurosurgeon who graduated at the bottom of his class and barely passed his exams is unsettling.</p>

<p>This is an issue that might drive me away from nursing school. I might want to go to grad/med school, and I don’t want to ruin my chances. I have also heard that professors can be sexist towards men; oh well.</p>

<p>^ As a nursing major, it’s very unlikely that you would go to med school because you won’t take nearly all the prereqs you need for med school in the nursing curriculum which is super jam packed already!</p>

<p>My thoughts exactly.</p>

<p>im a 1st year freshman and i juss pulled a 3.5 on my prerecs. i got a C in bio :stuck_out_tongue: and A’s in everything else. I agree with the others tho, i think ACTUAL nursing courses will be more difficult, but hey nursing is a challenge :slight_smile: you juss gotta be down for it ya kno? also, as far as the med school thing, you might want to think about becoming a nurse practioner. i hear they make roughly 100,000 annual with a speciality.</p>

<p>If you want to become a doc, don’t major in nursing. Medical school will not look kindly upon that.</p>

C’mon. You are a home schooled sixteen year old that drinks and has never had sex, but you KNOW whether Med Schools will not look kindly on a BSN degree. Seriously?
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<p>@Plattsburghloser, don’t worry, the bottom scoring med students would never get into a surgery residency. But, they might well end up as psychiatrists!</p>

<p>Are you in nursing at Plattsburgh? I knew someone is high school loooooong ago who was headed there for nursing and she loved it! Was very excited for all the snow. Of course, that was BEFORE she went. :)</p>

<p>I would think your gpa would vary with what college you were attending - easier to get As at a less selective school.</p>