I don’t want a major with horrible job opportunities or ones that don’t pay well. i could also major in family and child development but my mom says there aren’t any good jobs with that major.
Well do you know what you want to do with a psychology major? There’s MANY jobs that you can do with this major (granted I am also a psych major so I am biased) Also based on what you want to do in the future could require grad school. If you are considering counseling as a profession I think a minor in that would be fitting. As for a family and child development major there are also many routes you could take. Are there any jobs in particular you have though about doing or are open to doing?
Well, I like the idea of theapy, for sure, but I’m afraid it’ll be hard to get a job. I also do plan to go to grad school no matter what I do. For child development, the job she listed under the major were preschool teacher, social worker, and things I haven’t heard of but sounded more…volunteer based? Idk. i’d love to be a preschool teacher at a religious place or a church but my moncton says that doesn’t pay at all (although, she’s a high school teacher). she also said a psyc major isnt the best to prepare me for grad school??
I think a psych major is great for grad school because almost any field uses psychology. And child development would also be a good major or minor if you want to be a therapist who works with children.
I am in the mental health field and I can tell you that there is a need for therapists who work with kids. You will need your master’s degree in a therapy-related field such as marriage and family therapy.
Child development minor, psychology major with strong biology and statistics classes would lead to jobs.
Child Development majors do end up with low job prospects/low salaries
Organizational Psychology with a business minor would have the best job prospects without graduate school.
It’s fine to major in psych as long as you plan to go to grad school.