Is ABET Accreditation important for Computer Engineering Major

How important is it for a Computer Engineering program to be ABET accredited? I noticed that WashU has lots of interesting majors under engineering school, but most of them including CE are not ABET accredited. Is it important that I choose a colleage that has the program ABET accredited?

Check their career outcomes and see if they deliver.

Ask to speak to an administrator or dean as to why it isn’t accredited. Some say in some majors it matters less. They do have plenty that are accredited. You can also look up job descriptions and see if it’s required. Many my son applied for (Mech E and Manufacturing) did require ABET.

If I look up Computer Engineering, there are 299 accredited in the US - so to me, not being would be a red flag. But others might feel differently.

I set this for their career page. It may not populate for you but you can reset. Unfortunately, they don’t distinguish between CS and CE - so I’d call the career center or department and ask for specific info related to your major. Basically, I’d have some discussions with folks at the school.

Good luck.

Career Outcome Data - Students (

  • Biomedical Engineering (BS)

Accredited: Oct 1, 2004 – Present


  • Chemical Engineering (BS)

Accredited: Oct 1, 1948 – Present


  • Electrical Engineering (BS)

Accredited: Oct 1, 1936 – Present


  • Mechanical Engineering (BS)

Accredited: Oct 1, 1936 – Present


  • Systems Science and Engineering (BS)

Accredited: Oct 1, 1977 – Present


Thank you!

Short answer is that it’s not very important to computer or software engineering fields. It might be useful to validate curriculum at some schools.

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