Is age a factor for undergraduate transfer admissions?

<p>Hello all! I'm 27 and I want to transfer to a BFA program for acting. I have made mistakes in the past and gone on and off to college. I finally became disciplined and achieved straight A's for the past four consecutive semesters while going full-time. My GPA is 3.8 and I have many honors units as well (and I'm a talented actor)! I know many schools say that age is not a factor, but I wonder how it really works (SPECIFICALLY FOR ACTING BFAs). I know many people in the BFA programs come straight out of high school or are around 19 or 20, so despite my credentials, it worries me that I am 27, but better late than never, right? Any thoughts?</p>

<p>You may have a better chance given your age as long as you do well in auditions. Nice to mix up the pot of actors they can cast in plays.</p>