<p>Ughh I guess that means no senior slump... <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>it is natural to want to think this way - and transferring is a good way to get to columbia, some of my best friends were transfers, but let it all sink in. work on your other apps. thinking seriously about transferring is something you should do next year. you have time.</p>
<li>I don’t want to retake the SAT again.</li>
<li>I will most likely have an appreciation for the college that accepts me so I wouldn’t want to transfer.</li>
<p>Ehhh I guess you’re right</p>
<p>you don’t need to retake the SAT silence. the good thing about transfer admissions is that there is less pressure to compare you to other students because not that many people (comparatively) apply. if you kick butt first semester wherever you go and get a great letter of rec, become involved, and your SAT scores are solid and ‘good enough.’ transfer is a good option.</p>
<p>but in general. i agree, fall in love with wherever you end up going. it is the easiest guarantee to be happy in the long run.</p>
<p>^^^You think I could get in with my 1890 SAT as a transfer?</p>