Is Berkeley a good school for an astrophysics major? Chance me!

<p>What's my chance of getting in?</p>

<p>HS: public
Ethnicity: Asian
Financial aid: yes
GPA: (4.83 W)(3.8 W)
Rank: top 15 students out of 371</p>

<p>Freshman year
- English 9 honors (B)
- Geometry honors (A)
- Environmental science honors (A)
- World history honors (B+)
- Physical science honors (A)
- Health/PE (A)
- Band (A)</p>

<p>Sophomore year
- English 10 Ap-prep (B)
- Pre-calculus honors (A)
- Biology honors (A)
- Chemistry honors (A)
- Ap physics B (A)
- Civics/Economics honors (A)
- Band (A)</p>

<p>Junior year
- Ap english 11 (B)
- Ap calculus AB (A)
- Ap calculus BC (A)
- Ap chemistry (A)
- Ap music theory (A)
- Ap earth/environmental science (A)
- Spanish 1 (A)
- Band (A)</p>

<p>Senior year
- Ap english 12
- Ap statistics
- U.S. History honors
- Spanish 2
- Band
- Ap psychology
- peer tutor in AP physics or AP biology
- Ap european history </p>

<p>Test scores:
PSAT: 190 (+36 from last year) (54 CR)(80 M)(54 W)
ACT: 26 (23 E)(35 M)(21 R)(25 S)(essay: 9) (Aiming for a 29/30 next time)
AP: Physics B (3), (Calculus BC, Chemistry, Music Theory, and Env Science are pending)
SAT subject: 780 math level 2 (Plan on taking physics next year)</p>

<p>Extracurricular activities:
- I play the french horn for school band for 4 years.
- Marching band for 1 year.
- Jazz band (3 years)
- Chess club (3.5 years)
- Math club
- Bible club
- Interact club
- Environmental club
- Peer tutor (mainly math and physics)</p>

- I volunteer at local planetarium, also help out on family's restaurant for almost 4 years.</p>

- National Beta club
- National Society of High School Scholars
- National Honor Society
- Junior Marshals (honors for top 15 students in class)
- All-district band and all-county band.
- NC Governor's school
- Academic achievement awards for geometry honors, symphonic band, calculus AP, chemistry AP, and environmental science AP.
- Selected to attend Summer Ventures (Math and Science program) in the summer</p>

<p>Hell yeah--ranked 3rd in astro in the NRC ranking.</p>

<p>NRC</a> Rankings in Each of 41 Areas</p>

<p>Good GPA and good ECs, slightly weak SAT I and good SAT II. I'd say slight reach (50-50). Raise your SAT or ACT (I'd shoot for 2100+ or 30+), and take another SAT II (shoot for 700+), and you should be in good shape.</p>

<p>Are you in-state or out-of-state? Based on your GPA, you'll probably make it in, although your PSAT score gives me reason to worry.</p>

<p>But I must ask why you took Calculus AB and Calculus BC at the same time.</p>

<p>i dont understand how you can have a 4.83 gpa when i calculated it and it is a 4.13. dont normal classes count as 4-A 3-B etc and APs as 5-A 4-B etc? the same thing happens all over these chance threads and im wondering how you calculate gpa</p>

<p>Perhaps honors counts as a 5 too.</p>

<p>According to my school, an A in regular class counts as 4, A in honors counts as 5, and an A in AP counts as 6. My 4.8 is probably nothing compared to valedictorian's 5.2 - 5.4. I do happen to be in the top 10% though and I can probably bring it up to around 4.9 by the end of my senior year. </p>

<p>Really, what are my chances? If I can somehow bring up my ACT score to 29 and score 700+ on physics SATII, how much can I increase my chances? I'm also looking for 1 safety school aside from UNC (I live in North Carolina).</p>

<p>According to my calculations (this is the correct way to calculate UC GPA), your Weighted UC GPA is 4.46. </p>

<p>Sophmore year: 1 B, 5 A's
Junior year: 1 B, 6 A's</p>

<p>(2x3) + (11x4) + (8 extra points for AP) = 58</p>

<p>58/13 (number of classes)= 4.46</p>

<p>Does your school not give semester grades?</p>

<p>I got in with a 3.9 weighted, so you're definintely in I think.</p>

<p>I also do not understand how your high school valedictorian has a 5.2-5.4 if the highest possible GPA point is 5 from an honors class.</p>

<p>edit: Ok I reread your post and saw that your school gives 6 for an A in an AP course. In my opinion, that is just ridiculous. An AP Class is in essence an "Honors" Class, except that there is a big test to take in June.</p>

<p>Ok, how many merit-based scholarships are offered at Berkeley? After checking out the cost of living, I don't think I'm able to afford Cal. Not being eligible to apply for financial aid also hurt my chances of going there. Is there any way for Cal to waive non-resident tuition+fees without the help of financial aid?</p>

<p>loans are worth it at cal.</p>