Is Cal Poly SLO good for political science?

Hi everyone! I am currently a Junior looking to apply to Cal Poly SLO. I want to major in political science but have some doubts, is their poli sci program even good? I know the school focuses more on STEM majors and that worries me. However, they do have an integrated public policy master if I major in political science that I am interested in. Any thoughts? Will Cal Poly SLO be a good place to major in political science or will it only have limited opportunities for me? Thanks!


My sister is a political science prof there.

Lots of her students go on to top law schools or get wonderful jobs after.

Law school is not dependent upon where you go for Undergrad or what you major in while attending. It relies mainly on your Undergrad GPA, LSAT score and related work/internship experience.

I would definitely look at the link to see what post undergrad/grad students did with their degree: