Is CALS Honors worth it for me?

<p>Hey guys, as you are well-aware, the deadline for freshman to apply for honors is fast approaching, and I'm left wondering whether honors is worth risking my GPA.</p>

<p>Here are some things I hope I would be provided by honors, if I get in:
- Smaller Classes
- Potentially better research opportunities
- More work, but also more <em>meaningful</em> work
- A more "academic" environment in my classes as opposed to students who are only there to fill prereqs. Fewer students who would "settle" for a B when they could get an A etc...</p>

<p>To what extent would doing Honors grant me these things and if applying for honors in CALS is really worth it at all in my case?</p>

<p>It is very important that I keep my GPA up since I am hoping to apply to med school, and a member of my family who is now a doctor and went to a similar Big Ten school found that honors isn't really worth it considering how much it can bring your GPA and doesn't help you that much in med school admissions. Your thoughts?</p>

<p>Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>Side question: When filling out the CALS scholarship app what does the "profile" thing, mean? It prompts me to download my "profile" but I'm wondering if I can simply fill out the app and send it in without doing this.</p>

<p>Do you want the best education you can get from your college experience? Do you want to stretch your mind the most? I got my Honors degree from UW eons ago, then did medical school. I was a Chemistry major and the courses fit in well for me. Being in the Honors program for Ag and Life Sciences (CALS) would be a bit different than L&S but your freshman courses are likely to be in L&S. An A in an Honors course does show up as a desgnation on current UW transcripts. Learning as much as you can is more important than just getting the highest gpa. Getting the most rigorous courses you can handle is good training for the rigors of medical school. You can start with the Honors program and ultimately drop out of it or simply just not take Honors courses/sections et al. Nothing to lose, a lot of potential gain at this point. The UW Honors program is different than at other schools- experiences elsewhere may not translate to UW well. There are fringe benefits with advising and other opportunities not available in my day.</p>

<p>Your choice. I would go for it. Get the most for your educational dollars. Get the top tier education UW can offer. That person applying to medical schools with honors courses will have an advantage over you. If you try it and flounder in Honors courses your first smester there is plenty of time to do well for professional and grad schools.</p>

<p>Thanks. I’m thinking that I’m gonna go for it then. </p>

<p>I don’t suppose you know when the CALS honors application is due, would you? </p>

<p>And do I need to fill out anything more than is provided by this link?:
[Honors</a> Program Application | College of Agricultural and Life Sciences – University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Honors”></p>

<p>EDIT: Wait, can I even apply to the honors program at all prior to freshman year?</p>

<p>I was admitted EA as well!! And I’m also applying to the Honors Program - this message was in an email I received on January 3rd.</p>

<p>"If you would like to be considered for admission to the Honors Program to pursue the Honors in the Liberal Arts degree, you can apply on our website via our online application form: If you do not have internet access, please contact our office by phone at (608) 262-2984 to request a hard copy application. Full consideration will be given to your application if you submit it by the end of the day (11:59:59 p.m. Central) on Thursday, March 1, 2012. Admission to the program is competitive, and space is limited. We regret that not everyone who applies at this first opportunity will be accepted. If you apply prior to the deadline noted above your application will still receive full consideration during review, and it is our intention to mail an admission status letter to you within about three weeks of your application.</p>

<p>Please note that this is not your only opportunity to apply for admission to the Honors Program – it is just the first such opportunity. We offer rolling admissions for continuing students in the college who have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.3. You can also consider pursuing Honors in the Major at a later date. If you decide that you are not ready or do not wish to apply now, please remember that you will have the opportunity to pursue an honors degree throughout your undergraduate career in the college.</p>

<p>About 8% of the undergraduate students in the College of Letters and Science pursue honors degrees – Honors in the Liberal Arts, Honors in the Major, or Comprehensive Honors. To learn more about the curricula for each of these honors degrees, please visit our website at <a href=“”></a>"</p>

<p>Hmm…I believe that CALS honors is different than L&S however. Does anyone know if the March 1st deadline is the same? I can’t seem to find it.</p>

<p>btw- there is no EA-“early action” at UW. Rolling admissions, you applied early enough to get a response by now. When you have questions you can’t find the answer to on the website send an email question to the place, eg CALS Honors Program.</p>