CALS Honors in Research -- Help!

<p>Hey guys, it's me again. I've actually been doing pretty well in terms of keeping up with all the forms and things I need to turn in, but the CALS Honors App still confuses me.</p>

<p>Here's the link the the form that I'm assuming that I am supposed to fill out: Honors</a> Program Application | College of Agricultural and Life Sciences – University of Wisconsin-Madison</p>

<p>It says that I can turn in the form at any time, so I guess there's no rush, but I don't have "Campus Contact Information" or a "UW-Madison GPA" yet. I have some credits from AP tests but I don't think that's what they want.</p>

<p>I get the impression that I'm supposed to apply DURING my freshman year (and not before), but that wouldn't make sense considering L&S honors students have already been accepted from my class.</p>

<p>It's very confusing! Can anybody who's been in or is currently in the CALS Honors Program please shed some light on the situation?</p>

<p>Looking at the link you posted, at the top of the form it has a check box for New Freshman.</p>

<p>If this is something you want to do, fill out all parts of the form, except those that don’t apply like Campus Address, UW GPA, and submit it. What’s the worst case, they contact you and tell you that they need more info, or that you shouldn’t apply until later?</p>

<p>The instructions may not make sense to you but they are pretty clear: wait until you arrive to apply.</p>