Is greek a given?

I’ve started looking into DePauw University recently and it seems like a great school. My one concern has to be the greek life. My opinion of it may be misguided and if it is please correct me, but I don’t want to be in situation where socially I’m forced to join a culture of overly excessive alcohol and drunken mishap. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no temperance freak, and have no problem with alcohol, I just am much more laid back and my idea of a good time isn’t getting drunk off my ass. I guess I’m wondering if there are problems with the Greek life at DePauw or are opinions biased and misguided.

There is a huge variety of people at DePauw and every fraternity and sorority has a variety of people in them. Greek life is about being part of a group. Even though there are people who drink heavily, there are those who don’t drink at all.