Is High School Physics Needed?

My son is a junior in high school and getting ready to register for senior year classes. In college he wants to major in Computer Science. Does he need Physics? He already has Biology (AP and honors) and Chemistry (AP and honors). He is going to take the two different AP Computer Science classes his HS offers. He is in top 3% and has done well on SAT and PSAT. He is thinking he doesn’t want to take Physics next year. Would love your thoughts.

Has he taken any Physics? It will be required as part of a CS curriculum. Not having AP Physics might hurt him on admissions for the most selective schools. For engineering and CS, the one to skip, if you’re going to is Bio.


He has not had Physics yet in high school.

I’d say he should take it, if the teacher is any good, just because it helps him to be an educated person, and if he has to take it in college, he’d be familiar with it. I think of the big 3 (Bio, Chem, Physics) as not being optional for good high school students.


Has he taken Physical Science?

I’d recommend taken HS Physics. Colleges where CS is part of Engineering are definitely going to want it.

It’s about more than whether or not it helps in college. It’s about helping him be the best applicant he can be. If he doesn’t take it, that can set him apart from the hundreds/thousands of other applicants that did…and not in a good way.

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Another vote for taking Physics and it does not need to be AP, Honors or Regular Physics should be fine. My son was a CS major and 2 semesters of Physics was a requirement for the major.


+1 on him needing to take Physics so that he’s competitive for CS at most well ranked schools.

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Another +1 on taking physics…he will be a stronger applicant with physics.

I assume you are talking about AP Computer Science A and AP Computer Science Principles? No reason to take those both at all…they are somewhat redundant and Principles is perceived as not rigorous. So, he should take only AP CSA, which leaves room for physics.


Yes, he needs physics.

Along with making him better applicant, it will help him in college. If he goes to a college where CS is in COE, he’ll need to be taking college level physics. He will need the foundation in HS.