I’m back and sorry I’ve been posting a bit lately, I’m just a bit stressed and my pre med advisors aren’t very helpful because there are literally thousands of pre-meds at my school and only a few pre med advisors.
Anyway, here’s the schedule:
Orgo I with lab (2 credits together)
Genetics w/o lab (3 cr.)
Psychology 101 (4)
Arabic 102 (5)
Research (not a class, but required for my work-study)
It shouldn’t be an issue unless you’ve had difficulty with chem in the past.
If you’re a science major (and I can’t remember if you are) you will have multiple semesters with 2, 3, 4 or even 5 science/math class at the same time. That’s not uncommon. It’s just the way the schedule falls out.
Just remember you’re asking complete strangers on the internet for advice. We don’t know you. We don’t know what kind of academic preparation you’ve had, what your self-discipline is like, what your study habits are like, what your intellectual capabilities are, etc. You should be asking people who know you and who better evaluate your ability to multi-task and learn new complex material.
But, if you’re asking if it’s possible to take this schedule and do well–based upon the experience of both my daughters, the answer is yes, it’s possible.
About one fourth of students who attempt organic chem at UMich will need to take it a second time to pass with a C. For some students, it’s easy, for others, it can be derailing. It needs time an attention. Genetics is a brutal time-consuming course. It’s tough, and if combined with struggling in Orgo…could be hell on Earth. Psychology is easy. You can do it in your sleep and get an A. Any five credit language is going to be time consuming. That’s the problem with languages. They’re not hard, but they eat your study time. Give this schedule a try, but if you step into it and the water feels too deep, keep your eye strongly fixed on withdrawal dates and policies. Talk to your profs if the first tests are weak. Thin it out if you have to.