<p>Please kindly help... i'm receiving different information from various sources.</p>
<p>anyone? i really love to know LOL</p>
<p>btw, do u guys recommend kaplan’s resources? I read the previous treads and understand that it is not as reliable as the others… I bought the 12 practise from kaplan and scored on average 2070. Will this average be as reliable as the one from collegeboard itself</p>
<p>First of all,Furthermore,Secondly,As far as i am concerned,I believe, …these are all good essay phrases.</p>
<p>thanks CR anyone else can help me with my qn? is it good to include I always believe… my myself and etc? Is it better to put personal experiences into the essay? Thanks.</p>
<p>Well… I never put personal examples, and I never put “I”. It’s just my style… I feel that a point can be better proven through literary or historical examples. But feel free to use personal examples and pronouns in your essay.</p>
<p>Use any examples you can think of as long as they are insightful.</p>