HELP on essay

<p>can someone tell me how i can construct a REALLY well essay?? like when i write my essay's i usually get a 10/11 (on the actual thing) but for my "examples" i use them from books such as "great gatsby","pride and prejudice" etc... sometimes when i cant think of anything i WANT to use first person "i" but i have been told countless times by my teacher that using first person is like the worst thing anybody can do on an essay... is using first person on an SAT/ACT essay "OKAY?" or should be avoided if necessary???</p>


<p>ignore that aspect of what your teacher has said.</p>

<p>one of the college board 6/6 essays in the blue book is written entirely off of personal experience, and one personal experience at that. </p>

<p>tl;dr yes its ok to use ā€œIā€</p>