<p>The bandwidth limit is 12GB/week. The first time you go over this, you can take a short quiz and get another 12GB. After that, going over immediately shuts you off until the following Monday. I think this refreshes on a per-year basis, but it might just be per-semester (I’d finished downloading games en masse from Steam when 2nd semester rolled around, so it never came up).</p>
<p>The download and upload speeds were such that I never had any issues, and I moved a lot of large files around for work purposes, so…yeah.</p>
<p>As a follow-up, because I was checking out the “latest” convictions that I wrote about, go to “Press Releases” when you look up a District Attorney’s office. Go to a variety of DAs, because some use computer forensics more than others. Their press releases list all their latest convictions, including those who plea and those who receive their sentencing.</p>
<p>And, as further follow up to the poster who wrote “you just hope you don’t get caught” or “you have to download a whole lot of photos”. Not true. Certain pictures set off the FBI tracking. It’s just that the possibility of clicking on “the photos” the FBI has trapped is a big unknown. It’s like playing Russian Roulette. Why would you attempt something so dangerous? It’s illegal, simple as that. The consequences are a nightmare that you’d have to deal with for the rest of your life, which is really because the “stars” in the photos are still dealing with their nightmare. Having to be on the internet and identified as a “se.x offender”, felony conviction. Prison. Not worth the risk.</p>
<p>I think it might interest you to know that the odds of someone actually encountering child porn unintentionally whilst on a large porn site - even a free one - are so astronomically low that your posts are completely and utterly irrelevant in every possible sense.</p>
<p>Because, oddly enough, the administrators of large and highly-profitable websites are not completely ■■■■■■■■, and will therefore be somewhat averse to the idea of said websites hosting material for which their employees and “customers” can be imprisoned.</p>
<p>EDIT: On a related note, who actually DOWNLOADS porn from public websites these days?</p>
<p>So as long as we don’t download/torrent ridiculous amounts/illegal stuff like child porn, we should be OK? So I can still download/torrent music and movies at Berkeley then?</p>
<p>Odds are that if something’s illegal enough for you to get in significant trouble for it, it’s being tracked independently by law enforcement and you’d get nailed for it regardless of your ISP.</p>
<p>If it’s not, then as long as you don’t attract attention to yourself, you shouldn’t encounter any problems.</p>
<p>Dom, jonn: Nooo, not as you think. I did a major research study on this for a Sociology grad degree. It is a very sad event in one’s life to do something so foolish, and I’m just trying to guide you away from destroying your life when you guys are so young. It’s particularly sad when you realize these girls/guys are posing at their own will, or when traps that are out there. It really is like Russian Roulette, and, in fact, many of these photos have generated in Russia. There’s a huge underground market there.</p>
<p>It’s Berkeley dude, find a nice, hot girl to satisfy your needs. Girls just wanna have fun and they have the same needs as you. Afterwards if you still want to watch porn, convince her to watch it with you in her computer :P</p>
<p>Porn’s useful for that brief interim period before you discover that there’s a lot more truth to Dr. P’s post than most people are willing to admit.</p>
<p>From a PM, because I think this actually does warrant some sharing:</p>
<p>Yes, I think you’re a ■■■■■, because I find it very difficult to believe that anyone NOT ■■■■■■■■ could possibly misinterpret my posts (and continue to spout the same relatively nonsensical and not exceptionally relevant content in his own posts) this many times.</p>
<p>@caltanner - “Genuine warnings” that here are about as superfluous as my pointing out to everyone that they should probably check that their significant others are not horses before they climb into bed with them.</p>