Is it allowed to access porn websites in UC Berkeley dorm?



<p>You’ve been reported to the cyber police
Because I backtraced it
Consequences will NEVER BE THE SAME.</p>

<p>Winrar @qam245</p>

<p>Anyways, back on topic
So the 12 GB limit means that i can’t stream cable tv from my house onto my laptop?
aww thats quite disappointing…</p>

<p>Alright, I read this entire thread from the first post, and I realize that limabeans’ second comment (post #24 in this thread) was especially unwarranted.</p>

<p>And yea, the 12GB limit is annoying… but it’s a perfectly understandable regulation.</p>

<p>Oh and no one answered one of my previous questions… what exactly is DC++? I just switched to Windows from a lifetime of Mac OS. Back on the Mac, since I didn’t like Limewire, I used Acquisition for downloading random songs. I still don’t like Limewire… is DC++ the best alternative on a Windows platform? EDIT: I also realize that Windows is full of vulnerabilities that don’t exist on the Mac OS… so perhaps my P2P/Gnutella days are over.</p>



<p>DC++ is sharing over Cal’s intranet (though with some tweaking to the software it can be accessed from outside, iirc). The information’s accessible via Google.</p>

<p>The major benefit is that it doesn’t count towards your bandwidth limit, seeing as it’s shared within the Cal network.</p>

<p>Everyone in this thread is being backtraced.
You Dun Goofed.</p>

<p>Good thing my firewall automatically forward-traces everything to cancel it out.</p>

<p>–Everyone in this thread is being backtraced.
You Dun Goofed.</p>

<p>Consequences will never be the same.</p>

<p>Did someone alert the cyber police?!</p>

<p>Jeez guys, we really dun goofed.</p>

<p>strong meme awares in this thread</p>

<p>You should be careful… they might pop a glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie. That’s never fun :(</p>

<p>lol that’s so gross. After I read it, I changed the page and then had to come back. Yuuck lol</p>

<p>That’s even grosser than the OP’s topic! hah</p>



<p>You’re just jealous because I’m prettier and smarter than you.</p>

<p>You’re tearing my home apart! I can’t eat, I can’t sleep!</p>

<p>Hahaha idk why, but the last page or so is probably my favorite on CC</p>

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…………………………………| . . . . . . .„- ’ . . . .<em>^„ . . . . . . . . . . ‘|</em>^<em>’ I’m Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC…
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<p>Who ever did that must really have a hell lot of free time on their hands</p>

<p>There are programs that can generate them for you. I know a guy who wrote a similar one in 11th grade as a project for his CS class. >.></p>

<p>Holy crap this last page has felt more like 4chan or Reddit than CC to me.</p>

<p>Anyway, OP seems like either a ■■■■■ or very naive. He also asked in another thread, “How come most of my classes are on wait list, does berkeley give out enough spots for every students…?” More likely super naive Chinese fob, I’m thinking.</p>

<p>4chan would be a lot worse.</p>

<p>Well, actually /b/ would be a lot worse. 4chan in general isn’t that bad, though I don’t hang out on 4chan in general.</p>