Is it just me, or did Harvard change their home page recently?

<p>Harvard</a> home</p>

<p>For some reason, I went on the Harvard page today after a week or two of not checking and it's not the same page I remembered before. Either my browser is playing tricks on me, or it has magically turned from a really mediocre-ly made "white/black text and some pictures" layout to an "amazing black-and-red" layout?</p>

<p>Did anyone else notice this or am I just going crazy?</p>

<p>It seems to have a different overall layout from what I’ve seen over the last year or more.</p>

<p>It’s beautiful!!</p>

<p>I hated that ugly green-and-black crappy homepage they had for a while.</p>

<p>^ yea me too…</p>

<p>this one is soooooo much better.</p>

<p>okay so I’m not going crazy :P</p>

<p>That makes me happy. But yeah, this new webpage is great. My question is why they didn’t have it up over the summer when most of us were still deciding which colleges to apply to…</p>

<p>^ LOLZ. So true.</p>

<p>Actually compare Harvard’s website to Wesleyan’s…looks awfully similar</p>

<p>They changed it- the new one looks much better.</p>