Is it just me, or is everyone worried of M10. The final mark that emphasises your failure, or your success. I feel that Im not good enough

Hello, everyone.

I am currently working on the essay for the six schools I have applied to. I wish everyone good luck at this time. However, something that has bothered me is I just can’t shake off the feeling that im going to get rejected. Even though Im usually a very optimistic person, I feel down at this moment. Any suggestions on how to get this daunting feeling gone?

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It’s really hard to put yourself out there.

And it’s really hard when people who love you, and are well-meaning, say “You’re awesome! They’d be crazy not to take you! You’ll totally get in!” It kind of feels like you’ll be letting them down.

At the end of the day, though, it’s all a crapshoot. It’s much less a reflection on you than on what they’re looking for that year, and the class they want to build. You could be kid #301 when they’re only accepting 300 kids, and that doesn’t mean your application was any better or any worse than kids 250-300, it just means that their first viola graduated last year and they wanted a couple more viola players. But, honestly, you’ll never know if you were kid #301 or kid number #1500, so there’s no point overthinking it.

I’ll also add that a few years ago, my stellar awesome perfect grades, perfect score, plays 5 instruments, speaks multiple languages, kid toured a school that I knew little about, but which I considered a “safety.” It was VERY clear that these were not her people. It was a very, very preppy and sports-oriented school, nearly all the kids were wearing blatantly designer clothes. She did not get in. And, you know what? She would have been miserable there. They were totally right not to take her… they don’t want unhappy kids. So sometimes schools actually are doing you a favor by not accepting you.

Also, if you’re not accepted, I promise that all those people telling you that you will TOTALLY get in will not be upset or disappointed. “Clearly,” your loved ones will think, if that school isn’t smart enough to recognize how amazing you are, it can’t be all that great a school." It’s amazing how our opinions can change when we’re more loyal to the person in front of us :wink:


i am worried as in
i cant wait for my school to send my current transcript
and for M10 to come
especially cuz for some schools I already know friends there (who love the school)

if youre talking about worried as in im wasting time thinking about this and this is affecting my mood then no cuz im too busy

I think everyone is worried about their potential results on March 10th, but I think you need to stop thinking/framing this as “the final mark that emphasizes your failure, or your success.” You have done everything possible to set yourself up for success in the process and now you just need to see if a school feels you are the right fit for their community. If they do, wonderful. If they don’t, that doesn’t at all take away from the successes you have already had in life or will have in the future. It just means that school wasn’t the right fit for you at this time. It has nothing to do with your worth or value or ability in any way.


There are many paths to where you want to go in life. Each BS represents any one of those.
If one isn’t open, you’ll need to choose another.

How you travel the path, not the path, is what defines your success.

And as an aside, did you know that when Michael Jordan was a sophomore in high school, he tried out for, and did NOT make, his high school’s varsity basketball team? Thank goodness he didn’t let that define him!

It’s hard to put yourself out there. Give yourself credit for having the courage to do it.