<p>Hi, I was just wondering if you tend to finish everything else relatively fast, but then when you are forced to take notes on a chapter for any History AP (Euro, WHAP, APUSH), it takes like 4 hours?</p>
<p>Cuz I'm experiencing that right now and its annoying. I can get the rest of my hwk done pretty fast but notes make me stay up late at night.</p>
<p>Any suggestions for better note taking skills?</p>
<p>Also, would it be feasible to take APUSH via independent study? I just am SICK of taking notes on stuff that won't pertain to my career choices. I mean if I'm going to be spending 3 hours on taking notes, at least let it be a course I'm interested in.</p>
<p>I'm a sophomore right now so I'm currently taking WHAP and I hate because its boring, long, confusing, and I have a bad WHAP teacher. So I don't want to experience teh same thing for APUSH (i heard the teacher was better but just the same amount of pointless work).</p>
<p>Any suggestions/advice?</p>
<p>Oh, and this is my predicted courses for next year:</p>
<p>PAP Pre-Cal
STAT AP (replacing APUSH, I'm going to test out/take the regular course online just for credit, good idea ornot?)
CHEM AP (might self study BIO AP)
Band (Marching season might make it hectic though)
PAP Physics ( think I can independent study Physics B by myself?)
Spanish IV AP</p>
<p>Think I can handle the APUSH independent study if its even feasible to begin with?</p>
<p>I guess you could take APUSH independently. However, I really wouldn’t advise it. To me, Its one of those classes that makes having a teacher alot easier. </p>
<p>Also, if you self study, you’ll probably be taking notes anyway.</p>
<p>History notes take me a LONG time. Especially this year. APUSH wasnt AS bad just because I knew a lot of the info so I just skip it when I’m taking notes.</p>
<p>It wouldn’t be smart to do APUSH by yourself though…</p>
<p>We had SO much work in APUSH last year it was crazy. It was very helpful though.</p>
<p>ap ush takes the least amount of time for me … probably because we only have about 5-10 pages of reading each night, only have several terms to take notes on, have a discussion on the reading in class and then study that material for tests (which we have about once every month). split up the notes and study them for a week before a test. i’ve gotten 5’s on every test this way (got a 4 once).</p>
<p>I take HOURS on WHAP homework. Usually I sleep around 2, but WHAP makes me stay up until 4am. We don’t have notes or anything, just questions that take pages to answer.</p>
<p>I think you should take APUSH w/a teacher. I just think it’s better to have a teacher force you to do homework, because it helps. Especially with your course load next year, I think it’s probably good because you might not have time to study independently. But, IDK because I’m just a sophomore too :)</p>
<p>ShinyHelloKitty, I honestly think you are being a bit too ambitious. I’m not the one to wreck dreams or anything, especially since I was in the same place you were last year. Self-studying is NOT an easy task. Trust me - with an overload of ECs, SATs/ACTs looming over your head, and ****loads of hw each night, I gurantee you will barely be able to surive the year itself. </p>
<p>So, please think wisely before you set these goals and find yourself disappointed. On the other hand, if you are not too involved outside of school and you find the workload easy, then by all means, go for it.</p>
<p>But do NOT stress yourself out with this added and uneeded burden. Be careful, school grades matter most and set THAT as your priority.</p>
<p>I took AP Euro last year and it does consume a lot of time. Somehow, I managed to do it all within 30 minutes. This year, I didn’t take an AP History because they suck and they require a lot of time.</p>
<p>Both of my AP history classes (Euro and American) had little to no homework. Euro had reading, I believe, but it was perfectly possible to get A’s on exams without it, so long as one payed attention to class lectures and took notes. American did have some homework (including stupid projects like “making a CD” with a song of the era we were studying, better suited to elementary or middle school than a college level class) but these assignments were few and far between, with perhaps one or two of them per quarter.</p>
<p>@jaimeastorga2000, we never took notes in our Euro class. My teacher would talk for the entire period about the primaries and caucuses of the 2008 election. Then, my teacher would proceed to give us questions about things that were not in the reading. For example, what was the population of France during the French Revolution? I hated Euro and I was glad my teacher retired/was fired the year after.</p>
<p>AP World History was tougher than AP US History for me. APUSH has a lot of review of middle school history, so it would probably be easier for you :)</p>
<p>Yeah APUSH is much easier than AP Euro or WOrld history just because the material is more familiar.</p>
<p>If you’re already taking 4? AP classes and it’s one of the hardest courseloads…please don’t try to overload yourself by self-studying a whole bunch of hard APs…
Unless it’s Psych/Human Geography…self-studying can take a lot more time than you think. After all…everyone else has been learning this stuff for like a whole year.</p>
<p>i’m taking APUSH online and holy crap it is a TON of work. especially reading. and writing. i’m very behind and i’m running out of steam. i’m on chapter 9 when i should be in chapter 16. ughh</p>