<p>So I'm kind of psyching out because there's only one month left...
And the reason is because my scores aren't that stable.
(Normally ranging from 1850~2000)
Is this normal? </p>
<p>Here's an example(Q&A scores):
CR 600 W 600 (8 essay) M 640 = 1840
CR 620 W 690 (8 essay) M 690 = 2000</p>
<p>I normally score my Writing w/ an 8 essay because I don't want to over-estimate my scores, and normally I score around 690 for both writing & math...
Reading is my weak spot and I don't think one month is going to do me any miracles...</p>
<p>So what should I do?
How can I steady my performance?
I would really like a 2000!</p>
<p>Thanks in advance =)</p>
<p>I got a 225 on my psat and a 2030 on my sat…it happens I guess.</p>
<p>Yeah, a variation of about 100-150 points is not that uncommon. According to the college board, the standard deviation of SAT scores for each section is +/- 30 points from your average, so a normal variation for scores could be as high as 180 points between good and bad tests. Varying 160 points from a good to a bad test is therefore normal.</p>
<p>really? i thought that was for each test not each section
is there anything i can do to minimize it?</p>
<p>I’ve heard of someone who went from a 1740 to a 2390 with no studying in between. My guess is that he somehow messed up the bubbling on the first or else really wasn’t focusing the first time he took it.</p>
<p>Lol, I wish I could do the same thing!</p>
<p>One month can definitely do a lot for your reading score. Do every single test in the Blue Book.</p>
<p>The only way to avoid variation is just to be more focused on every question each time you take the test. If you’re really careful, you might be able to both increase your scores and decrease the variation to about +/- 30-50 points for each test. However, you will always have some variation based on your own focus (since nobody is perfect!), and the differences between each test usually contribute to this variation (contrary to what collegeboard says, some tests ARE harder or easier than others).</p>
<p>Don’t worry too much about it! It is quite normal. For most, when practicing, their scores vary a lot depending on the particular test, the time of day, the amount of focus, etc. For instance, I was consistently getting 1900s on my practice tests, but on the actual SAT I received a 2220! I went up 300 points out of nowhere. My practice tests were surprisingly, much more difficult than the actual test.</p>