<p>So I live next to FIU and I have a full-ride to that school. It is a fairly reputable school, but not as good as FSU, where I could find myself in some debt (about 6 to 7k per year).</p>
<p>My parents are pushing me towards going to FIU where I would be paying virtually nothing because they don't want me to have so much debt, and want me to stay away from student debt for as long as possible.</p>
<p>Another thing, my brother is one year younger than me and will be entering college too, so my parents' expenditures on me would basically double if they have to cover him too. </p>
<p>If I DO go to FIU, is it a good plan to just do my first two years there, get an AA, and then transfer to a better school? I plan on going to law school after my Bachelors.</p>
<p>My question is: is it normal to have undergrad debt? Or should I just go the cheap way and go to FIU with a full-ride?</p>