Is it possible to get into a respectable college if your 9th and 10th grade gpa is below a 3.0?

I have gotten a grade below a 3.0 in both my 9th and 10th grade years and I now I am going to try for a 4.0 in my junior year as well as do significant CAS work and get good recommendations as well as score above a 2200 in my SAT so basically what I am asking is that is there any way in which I can control the damage that I have done and yet get into a respectable college that has a 25-30% acceptance rate or am I already doomed at this point.

And colleges with higher acceptance rates are not respectable? I guess anything is possible, but it’s not that likely. You’re not “doomed” - you’ve got plenty of potential and there are thousands of good universities in the US besides the ones with 25-30% acceptance rates.

I don’t mean to be disrespectful towards other colleges but since I live at the other side of the world coming to the US to study will be expensive and so I would want to try and get into the best university possible.

Explain yourself well. Really well. Also, your actual results may vary from your theoretical results. Going from below a 3.0 to a 4.0 is not easy. Especially in your junior year.

But yet is it still possible to get into a good college or is all hope lost


If so then what steps would you recommend to make that a reality