Is it possible to score 30 and above just by the red book

<p>Is it possible to score 30-32 just by preparing from red book and ACT booklets? without referring to other books such as Barron's, PR etc etc. Or to score 30 and higher you need to prepare from outside?</p>

<p>I did the 2012-2013 ACT prep booklet test along with one test from the red book and got a 34. I did one more practice test from the red book and got a 35. I’ve always had an easy time with tests and schoolwork though. Prep books can really help out if you’re struggling to get a high score. Just take a practice test and see where you’re at! The more practice you get, the higher your score will probably be. Good luck!</p>

<p>Absolutely (depending on if it is a reasonable goal for the student, that is)! From my experience, those tests are very accurate and great tools to prepare for the test. The material is right there, it is just a matter of the student putting in the hours to complete the tests and learn from his/her mistakes made from previous tests. Good luck!</p>

<p>I used one of the free booklets to prepare for the ACT in October 2012. My AP Language did some ACT review for English/Reading so I did have some outside sources there but didn’t really try all that hard. I ended up getting a 30 Composite (32 English, 31 Reading, 30 Science, 28 Math, 9 Writing). So yeah, it’s definitely possible to get in the 30’s with only the red book/free booklets. </p>

<p>I bought the red book for my second ACT test and anticipate a 32, maybe higher. </p>

<p>If you are capable of doing well and understand what you learned in high school, the red book should be plenty.</p>

<p>Yeah the red book helped me a ton!</p>

<p>1st test date (without studying or anything)
C: 30
Math 29
English 31
Reading 32
Science 26</p>

<p>2nd test date (with red book practice)
C: 33
Math 35
English 35
Reading 29
Science 31</p>

<p>I got a 33 just by buying the red book. I didn’t even open it. Literally just holding it in my hands made me smarter.</p>

<p>This question is pointless as each student may have a different starting level. One may be already beyond that level without doing any practice at all. A better question may be “is it possible to raise x+ points just by the Red book?”</p>