Is it possible to transfer to a top 25 college?

So I’m high school I had a 3.6 GPA and a 33 ACT. But first semester of my junior year in high school my grades tanked and I got a D in physics and AP cal. As a result I didn’t get into some top schools.

Now I am in the second semester of my freshman year at Virginia Tech. I have a 3.93 GPA, took the SAT for a 1530, and got into the honors college. Considering my Jr year in Hs is it still possible to get into business at schools like NYU, Georgetown, UVA, Cornell, UNC Chapel Hill, UT Austin after my sophomore year at VT tech?
Note:I am going to try to get internships this summer.

Do you not like Va Tech? Transferring has its difficulties. You’d be starting new.

Va Tech is a fine school.

You have to check each school. You can see their criteria on line and acceptance rates in the CDS.

Gtown likely no. Your stats are under theirs and their acceptance rate is tiny - under 10%.

NYU is likely no because most are internal.

Go school by school. They post plenty of info. You can also speak with a transfer advisor at each. Some might like a 2nd year transfer too so lots of nuances here.

Besides rank, what is the reason for transfer ?

It’s not to say it can’t happen But the odds, at least some schools, will be less.

Va Tech is very solid.

Good luck in whatever you decide to pursue.


First I’d check which schools allow transfers to apply for direct admit to their business schools.

As far as applying, it’s worth a try since the answer is already no if you don’t. However, if you’re truly unhappy at VT (and not simply looking for an upgrade) I would add a few more schools with higher acceptance rates.

If you’re applying for junior year your HS transcript won’t matter much since you’ll have 2 years of college under your belt.

Good luck!

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This. Why exactly do you want to transfer?


I want to transfer to a better business program so I can get into Investment Banking. And my question is would my HS Junior year D’s and the senior year C affect me if I transfer as a junior?

No. When you transfer as a junior, your college record will be what is reviewed in most cases.

But good point above. You need to find out what colleges actually allow junior year transfers into their business programs.

Keep in mind that investment banking jobs are few and far between from any school.


First off going to a higher ranked school is no guarantee for IB. And IB today is happening in cities like Atlanta and Nashville. It can happen from va tech. Yes you’ll have to work hard but you would at the others too.

And there’s always grad school.

So two things - 1. My daughter bf goes to Denver. He’ll be in health care investment banking this summer.

  1. I googled Va tech + Goldman Sachs + investment banking. Only looked at the first name. Not the list. Graduated pamplin last year.

He interned there and now works there.

If you hate it there I get it. Maybe look at schools like IU or W&M but they are not a boost over a va Tech per se.

But don’t sell your school short. In the era of LinkedIn and handshake and zoom interviewing, more have a chance. And there are many regional firms to start too.

Good luck

Ps I’ve now looked at the list. Many from Va Tech are in I banking.


When you say investment banking what specifically are you envisioning? To name a few options, are we talking capital markets, financial markets, advisory, M&A, etc or working for an investment bank in any of the support roles such as compliance, risk, legal, settlements, etc? Are you thinking wealth management under the banner of an I bank? How much do you know about these various roles? A small portion of the people that work at a place like Goldman Sachs are investment bankers in spite of working at an investment bank.

I ask for this degree of specificity in anticipation of you not being sure because to be honest most people at your age have no idea what each entails or what skill set is required.

I would not plan your academic journey based on a specific desired career goal unless you have a full understanding of what you are pursuing. Do you think you have an accurate and full a picture of a IB career?

I have seen lots of people claim to want to be I bankers without a real understanding of what’s involved only to have wasted time and effort in pursuit of something that doesn’t suit their skills or interests.

With that said I am happy to provide any info and color you might seek about the various career paths often conflated under the term investment banking.