How many courses are you taking in this spring term?
How many in summer?
How many next fall?
If you aren’t taking a full time courseload, why?
How many courses are you taking in this spring term?
How many in summer?
How many next fall?
If you aren’t taking a full time courseload, why?
I need my mind to relax from the overload I had in Fall.
I talked to the chair and they said I can take Biology 1 and Human Structure and Function I, they will allow it of my good habits of good standing status.
The two courses I’m signing up for are on Mon, Wed morning till noon, and I can’t add another cause it will cause a time conflict.
I can’t delay anything, once I start something, I have to finish it till the end. Just the AES I began in summer 21 and will finish it in summer 22 that’s how I am wired and made.
I was a Scout leader for many years and had a couple of scouts on the spectrum and this could have described both of them. It’s not a useful trait for a nurse to have. Nurses must be flexible and able to change course quickly. You’ve become so fixated on getting an AES degree that you can’t seem to permit yourself to stop even though you’re not enjoying it and it’s eating into the aid you’ll need to complete your BSN. I don’t think that’s healthy.
I already signed up for the spring 22 semesters with my Pell grant and no clue if you can undo it. Since it was accepted and finalized. Don’t want to mess up the procress.
Why aren’t you talking to the financial aid office instead of making assumptions? Withdrawing from the cc won’t affect your Pell. If you’re not enrolled the Pell won’t be dispersed. I suspect you’re not asking because you don’t want to know the answer. If your financial aid can be canceled you could withdraw and preserve your Pell for the BSN, but you’ve already said you don’t want to do that. You want to finish the AES: “Once I start something I have to finish.”
From what you’ve posted you need all your remaining Pell to be able to finish a bachelor’s degree, so I don’t understand why you’re actively planning to run through it with 3-4 semesters left to go. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk with a counselor to find out why you’re trying to sabotage yourself. Are you stalling because you’re not sure you really want to be a nurse or are concerned you won’t physically be able to do the job? Or are you continuing to pursue the AES degree (even though you’re not enjoying it) because you can’t permit yourself to quit even if it benefits you in the long run? I think you’d benefit from some professional counseling.
I know what I’m doing, users need to stop asking about financial status
Even if it means paying out of pocket for a couple of semesters. I don’t mind. I can get the money Cold hard cash.
Tell me more abut this.
All I asked was if it’s possible to earn a BSN and work as a nurse while pursuing dental pre-reqs and this turned into a rollercoaster of threads, users asking a million questions.
My financial aid my style of I desire
Physics 1 and 2 can transfer to university physics for certain pre-reqs but not for nursing. I know what courses are useless and what are important.
My friends are doctors and can pay for my courses if I’m stuck between a rock.
Once again, sorry to be blunt, but if you need a mental break from a tough semester, you will have no chance of making it through nursing school. You need to rethink your goals to find a career that may better suit you that aligns with your drive and abilities.
OP posted that they took several tough courses last semester They said they took the following:
General Chemistry 1 - Tue-Thur 8 AM - 11:45 AM
Differential Equations Tue - Thur 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
Physics 2 Electricity & Magnetism Tue - Thur 5:30 PM till 9:30 PM
Calculus 3 - Mon-Wed 9:30 AM - 12:30 pm
Linear Algebra Mon-Wed 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
Three advanced math courses, chemistry and physics, and now it’s winter break. I think a lot of students would appreciate some time off to decompress after a semester like that.
After my noodle is relaxed, I can think clearly.
5 courses were an advanced huge burden, my advisors told me to not pursue that path of overloading courses, I did not listen since I’m tired and want to finish fast to move into something else such as a bachelor’s.
Will see
Im sorry, but the OP has been all over the board for a year a year on CC. Posters are trying to get him/her to focus on a path to do
something, anything. Taking time off because of a stressful semester at a community college at the age of almost 30 is not going to help them in any way.
Data point of one. OP, my kid graduated from HS in 2008. Went to UG, med school and now in year 5 of residency and still making less money than a plumber. Either did paid or unpaid internships and reseàrch in summers and worked at a sports bar on holiday breaks. She is 4 days away from her due date of giving birth, working about 72 hours a week, a surgeon and on her feet all day.
THAT is an example of working hard to achieve your goals. Not taking time off to clear your head from a tough semester.
Oh, I thought OP was just taking a regular winter break over the holidays and is starting again in spring semester. Which seems perfectly reasonable to me.
If they are taking the next semester off, then yes I agree with you.
I really need to learn how to correct and say things properly, it’s going to land me in hot water one day.
I didn’t give up and take days off.
The Fall 2021 semester ended on December 15, 2021, and I will begin Spring 2022 on January 18, 2022. It’s our little mini-vacation to relax before we go back, to tackle the spring 22 semester.
Plus I’m saying this mini-vacation to catch up on some reading.
Doing reading on Organic Chemistry since I need to refresh my noodle in order to tackle the orgo at Uni once I make it to the stepping stone.
@CottonTales Congratulations on the new baby!
OP, what classes are you taking in the spring?
A job would be a great thing since you will be paying out of pocket, and a job is an EC that shows adcoms you are a go getter, not just sitting home reading a text book. Minimum wage is at an all time high and you could save up for your future out of pocket costs.
I do think taking the time to express yourself clearly and completely will help you in many ways. You are clearly a good student, but a lot of experienced posters here on this board have stated that they are confused by what you are doing, and part of that may be caused by the way you are presenting information.
Also, as others have pointed out, nurses need to be able to communicate very clearly, both in what they say and what they write.
Gen Chem 2.
Python programming since it’s a diversity requirement for AES
Biology 1 and Human Structure and Function I
Have you ever taken a programming course before? You may find that you really like it.