Is it really what people say it is?

<p>Well, then UA is a great place for you, they have a very highly ranked business school!</p>

<p>there are very many on this board that have received negative comments from others about their choice to go to alabama.</p>

<p>there are also very many bright students at alabama that are having a great time and getting the degree that they are after to prepare then for the next step, whatever that is.</p>

<p>too much emphasis is placed on prestige when it comes to schools. i think expensive schools are for those who can easily pay for it. if not, then you need to choose what suits you best, both academically and financially.</p>

<p>any college is what you make of it.</p>

<p>Anxiouskid, my son is double majoring. One of his majors is Business (Marketing). I’d be happy to put you in touch with him if you’d like to discuss the business school with someone who’s currently there.</p>

<p>SEA_tide is also a Business major. I’m sure he’ll speak to the quality of his experience with the business school at UA and the very smart return on investment he’s going to reap when he graduates this year.</p>

<p>By the way, there’s empirical research (from Princeton, no less) that demonstrates people with your academic credentials succeed professionally and financially at a level on par with graduates of “prestigious” universities irrespective of the colleges they attend.</p>

<p>There’s no reason to assume crushing debt, unless you really, really covet an expensive window decal for your car. ;)</p>

<p>*I realize there are financial benefits for you to go to Alabama, but I would still opt for a more prestigious school, given your test scores. My son had very high SAT scores, but did not consider Alabama.</p>

<p>It has no doubt made academic progress in recent years, but I would go to a higher ranked school, if I had your test scores.*</p>

<p>Florida dad…your son’s situation is different because YOU aren’t expecting him to take on a bunch of debt. *You’re an attorney and you’re willing to pay for your child to go to a top pricey school. *Good for your son, but not everyone has parents with willing and able wallets.</p>

<p>BTW…how do you know what the OP’s stats are? I know he’s a NMF, but I don’t see his test scores or GPA. Do you? If not, then his SAT could be a 1960 for all we know. (It’s probably higher, but if he hasn’t given his scores, it’s a mystery as to why FD writes, “if I had your scores.”)</p>

<p>There are many kids at Bama that have “tippy top school stats”. They’ve opted to go to Bama for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t seem to be holding them back.</p>

<p>While I am receiving a limited amount of need-based aid (Federal Work Study) in addition to my full-tuition Presidential Scholarship, I will be graduating from UA this may entirely debt-free. In fact, UA will owe me money as I’ll be getting some of my Dining Dollars and Bama Cash refunded a couple weeks after graduation. :)</p>

<p>I’m originally from WA and have spent lots of time in NV/OR/BC. Apart from not having some regional food brands, life in Alabama is much the same. It’s not like you’re moving to an extremely rural area, but if you’re expecting Tuscaloosa to be like San Francisco, you’ll be disappointed. </p>

<p>The people who tend to be unhappy at UA are most often those that wish they stayed near home with all their high school friends or those who feel that they’re “settling” for UA. If someone plans on coming to UA with those viewpoints, they should probably consider another school as there is no point in spending money to be unhappy.</p>

<p>I came to UA with an open mind and a willingness to try new things. This has payed enormous dividends and has allowed me to have more personalized and rewarding college experience than I would have likely received at any other school I considered. Should someone think less of me that I willingly chose to attend UA and enjoyed it, that is there problem.</p>

<p>UA is not perfect. No school is. As is often said on this forum, you need to visit campus with your parents. I remember my mom being surprised and a little concerned that I was planning on going to school 2000+ miles away, but after a visit to Alabama, she knew that I’d be in good hands. </p>

<p>One thing I’ve also noticed at home and in my travels is that people from the South will randomly strike up conversations with me or say “Roll Tide,” even if they’re not from Alabama.</p>


<p>Visit. The rest will take care of itself.</p>

<p>You’ll enjoy your college years and beyond far better w/o the debt AND the education is top notch.</p>

<p>I believe the conversation covering the importance of visiting has been well established. So, I’ll skip that by just saying, visit. </p>

<p>I will cover the stereotypes. I am a Native Texan with deep Southern roots (Mississippi, Alabama, Tenn, SC, etc) that go back to the early 1700’s. Have traveled extensively and love visiting new places and finding all of the local interests. I want to see what is there that is not any other place in the world. My belief, God created this great big wonderful world for all of us to enjoy and I want to see as much of it as possible. With that said, I’ve been to California more times than I can count. Every time I’ve been I have encountered at least one unpleasant person with a rather poor attitude towards me based simply on my not so thick accent and where I am from. Let me say that I am one of those people that smiles at strangers, will say hi to anyone I pass, and will strike up conversations with complete strangers. One such encounter I was in a little clothing store and as I was paying I had my c/c and dl out and when she saw my TX id she let out a little huff. Of course, when done I grinned ear to ear and had that sugary, dripping with honey, “Thank you”. Another, family whitewater rafting trip and family next to us mom looks over and says rather rudely, “where are you from?” I responded back with “Dallas, Texas”. Her response, “OH! No wonder!” Turns out she has never been. LOL! Then back in the 80’s there was the young lady in LA that upon finding out we were from Dallas, “do you know J.R.?” Me, “Yes, of course. We live next door to him.” She believed it.<br>
One thing I have noticed by all of this is that those with the most ignorant stereotypes of other areas and those from those areas, they have never been there and have not been to many places outside of their little box. I’ve meet great people every single place I have traveled. Many pleasant experiences and memories. Attitude is key to everything. I go to all of these different places to experience what makes that place so special. I am not interestd in comparing it to any other area as each place is different and should be. Alabama is Alabama. Califoria is California. Northern California is different than Southern California. Go. Visit. See for yourself what it is all about firsthand. See if Bama fits Anxiouskid. </p>

<p>Btw, my D was looking at Bama and her other schools were in California. She went Bama.</p>

<p>There is a lot to be said about graduating debt free. As others have said, if these people want you to throw away a nice scholarship and take on a load of debt, let them foot the bill. There is not one single good reason that one should take on a load of debt for an undergrad degree, ever. There are too many very valuable options and your Bama scholarship is one of them. </p>

<p>Good luck and
Roll Tide</p>

<p>“The South is twisted,” and that I will encounter a community of racists…etc! It really saddens me that my own family is so pessimistic about this choice of college. I have had at least three people tell me that the South is backwards,"</p>

<p>It always makes me laugh when someone posts such things. If it were true, I doubt we’d be the ones you’d want to ask. We probably wouldn’t realize it, would we? Many of these posts prove to be for the entertainment of trolls. If this isn’t one of those cases, then welcome! Plan a visit and you’ll discover why we love the UA!</p>

<p>Daimler Mercedes-Benz could have chosen to put an automobile plant anywhere in the country, i.e. Northwest, California, Northeast, etc., but they chose Tuscaloosa, Alabama. They will spend billions of dollars and they would rather spend it in Tuscaloosa, Alabama instead of these places because they know a great place when they see one…ROLL TIDE!</p>


<p>As the Mercedes Benz sign on I-20 says, “Here2Stay”</p>

<p>LOL! I recently saw a great Facebook meme: “Say what you like about the South, but nobody moves up North to retire.” (Or words to that effect.)</p>

<p>I am originally from Massachusetts. We have lived in the South (NC) for 24 years. Wouldn’t move back up north for any consideration.</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!!</p>

<p>Oh yeah…debt-free is a HUGE consideration for my NMF son. And for his parents…we are not made of money. :)</p>

<p>Hi, you’ve read some great posts. Here is another. I am a parent and NOT an Alabama grad, but a Univ of Georgia grad who grew up in New Jersey. My son is also at Georgia, but we looked at Alabama. It is an absolutely beautiful campus with fantastic facilities. I mean gorgeous. Trust me, it is NON-SOUTHERNERS that have twisted views of the south. Yes, you can find backward people ANYWHERE. UA is a pretty big school. People will party as they will anywhere. I’m sure that the honors classes are excellent and challenging. People at UA, I have no doubt, are quite smart, and the athletics are amazing (as a Georgia fan, I wish they weren’t so good). Most beautiful stadium in American IMO.</p>

<p>Don’t listen to the stereotypes. They are old and outdated. Find out for yourself, and best of luck!!!</p>

<p>“Say what you like about the South, but nobody moves up North to retire.”</p>

<p>“Trust me, it is NON-SOUTHERNERS that have twisted views of the south.”</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Come to visit and see what you think! When you come to school, my family will be happy to “adopt” you while you are here. Contact me if you need more information.</p>


For the sake of accuracy, it was the State’s incenvtive package(s) that swayed the final decision to choose Tuscaloosa/Vance. Charlotte was actually the front runner until Alabama kicked up their offer.</p>

<p>@Calantha, Alabama must know a thing or two about recruiting…Mercedes-Benz, Athletes, Scholars, Professors, Engineers, etc…Bottomline, ROLL TIDE!</p>