Opinion? Whats it really like?

<p>havent had chance to visit because i live in delaware.</p>

<p>some people RAVE around how great it is.</p>

<p>yet i’ve been researching it online.
and some complain about huge party school, not good for academics.</p>

<p>what should i believe?</p>

<p>How does it match up against University of AL?</p>

<p>It’s definitely not a HUGE party school, much less than Alabama at any rate. You can party occasionally and still make good grades as long as your priorities are straight. I have nearly a 3.5 gpa and I go out almost every weekend (but never weeknights! that ends in badness all around).
Obviously, I am biased since I am about to start my final semester here, but I really like Auburn and I really didn’t like Alabama. To me I felt like Alabama was all about greek life and was very segregated. In my experience, Auburn is far from that. There is a greek scene but it is not the end-all be-all like it seems to be at Bama. It is also only about 25% of the student body here, while I believe at Bama its nearly half.
It is possible to only hang out with people of your own race and background, esp if you are white and middle class, but I have alot of friends of different races and backgrounds.
You automatically have an interesting in on conversation because very few people would come here from Delaware. I guarantee you it will be a bit of a culture shock (one of my really good friends is from Ohio and she said her first couple months here were ridiculous) but Auburn is an awesome place. I definitely recommend a visit at some point before you make a serious decision about coming here, whether it is before or after you are accepted.</p>

<p>AUlostchick, are there many cheap places to live off campus?</p>

<p>Also, Ive been told AU is a “closed minded conservative redneck school”. Although the person saying it ment it in a negative way, sounds like Id fit right in. Can you elaborate on if this is accurate or not?</p>

<p>Thank You!</p>

<p>Well, I’d be quite angry if someone said that to me about Auburn! It’s a bit stereotypical of the south (and I’m fairly liberal so it would bother me personally as well). But there is a significant portion of the school (not the majority) which probably holds to “close minded redneck” philosophy, particularly several fraternities, and I would say probably about 60% of the people here voted for McCain for sure. </p>

<p>There are MANY places that are fairly cheap to live off-campus. If you live in a studio apartment like I do (two rooms, a bathroom, and closet) your rent will be about $320-400/month. Many of the bigger apartment complexes where you would live with three other people (share a bathroom with 1) are going to be around $275-300. Some of the places a little bit further away from campus (but still on a transit route) can be as low as $180/month for a 3 bedroom/1 bath (my friends live in one of these places).
The majority of places off campus are going to be cheaper, per month, than the dorms, but the dorms are usually more convenient. (Not always, my apartment is about as far away from central campus as the Hill dorms on campus are.) But off campus places you are also going to have pay for cable/internet, power, and sometimes water, while all of this is included on campus.</p>

<p>Good info. Thank You :)</p>

<p>You may want to check these popular places: The Edge West, Creekside, The Cambridge, and almost anything on Magnolia Ave and Glenn Avenue. By far the first two are the most popular places for students to live off campus.</p>