<p>Hi College Life, I feel as if I've put myself in quite a situation and I'm at a crossroads in my life.</p>
<p>I am a pre-med freshman student who is beginning to take all of his required courses and already, I am trying to figure out it is worth it or not. To constantly be studying only to end up right in literally middle of the curve among some of the most intelligent students in the world really demoralizes me every single time I get my exam back. </p>
<p>I'm not going to make excuses and blame the school or the competition or anyone except myself and my study habits, but after what's happened in the past two semesters - consistently performing better in my non-science classes, ending right in the middle of the curve (B- in intro Bio 1), dropping a science-related class because I was wayyy below the average and the grade was a huge part of my final average, and now I'm stuck in the middle of the curve again. </p>
<p>I feel burnt out all of the time. Even with three classes, I generally feel like I have no motivation to study for my science course (Bio 2) and sometimes this trickles over to my other two classes. I feel like everytime I think of studying for Bio, though, I just think, what's the point? I can't compete with these people. I'm not smart enough to beat the curves here.</p>
<p>I know I have to change my study habits and I tried the active recall method and was able to understand two lectures' worth of material in thirty minutes (when I originally had even a little bit of motivation, before a test I used the same method for also resulted in me scoring in the middle of the pack), but I don't have the same joy in learning it the same way I do for all my other classes. I feel like for my pre-med classes, I'm studying just for a grade, not for the material, because to be honest, learning about animal embryo development is not my cup of tea.</p>
<p>This is stressing me out, but as the saying goes, if you flip a coin you will know what side you want it to land on, and I still want to become a physician - I had already figured that the path I am still taking requires a LOT of sacrifice, and yet I can't turn away. But the competition here is monstrously tough and I'm losing my own confidence that I can actually be above these curves. Advice?</p>
<p>EDIT: I started to blame other things than myself -_- sorry about that.</p>