I was admitted to UCSB and i’m having second thoughts about attending. So far i’ve completed:
- Chem 1A & Chem 1AL,
- Chem 1B & Chem 1BL,
- Chem 1C & Chem 1CL
- Chem 6AL
- Chem 109A
- Math 3A
- Math 3B
- Physics 1
And i’ve technically completed half of physics 2 and half of chem 6BL and chem 109B, but since community college is semester system and UCs are quarter i’ll have to retake those.
- I also have the IGETC completed.
I’m just worried that i haven’t completed enough courses, i wish i could talk to a counselor now and know if it was possible to graduate in 2 years or not. I’m just sick of community college otherwise i’d stay another year.
These are the links for the UCSB chemistry major courses
http://www.chem.ucsb.edu/sites/secure.lsit.ucsb.edu.chem.d7-2/files/sitefiles/Combined ChemBS+Schedule 16-17.pdf
http://www.chem.ucsb.edu/sites/secure.lsit.ucsb.edu.chem.d7-2/files/sitefiles/undergrad/degreerequirements/Chem (BS) sample schedule 17-18.pdf