Is it too late for updates?

Hi, I’m an applicant from East Asia, and I have an urgent question. My question is, is it too late for an update on my info? I was elected as president of my school debate club, and recently my team and I were informed that we are going to the national round in a certain debate competition. I see this as quite an important achievement, even though I know a lot of students take part in their school debate club. I would appreciate it if someone could give me insight on whether emailing the AO is a wise choice at this moment or not. Thank you.

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I think it’s best to wait for decisions. If you get waitlisted, then you should update the admissions office.


Thank you so much! I guess I’ll leave all my worries behind for now, and focus on my school! I wish you the best:)

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@risaaa, congratulations on your recent accomplishments!

You might be interested in this recent post -

Wishing you the best of luck on 10 March :sparkles: and every success in the national round of your debate competition!

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Thank you so much! I will look into it as well:)

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