Is it true ED applicants dont get merit money?

If so, why is this the case? Am I screwed over by applying ED?

It is significantly harder to, but not impossible. It makes sense logically, but it does kind of stink from an applicant’s point of view.

Universities give merit awards to entice exceptional students to come to their school. If somebody applied ED, then they are required to come, and the university doesn’t have to lure them in anymore with extra rewards. That being said, GW specifically still gives out some merit money to the exceptional students who apply ED. It is just harder to get it.

If you REQUIRE merit aid to afford to come to GW, then it may be in your best interests to apply RD.

Lets say I was an athlete who applied ED, am I still screwed over?

As an athlete, it depends on how much you would be getting on scholarship. If you weren’t receiving a full ride, I don’t think it matters. Just as @gdubya said, if you’re applying ED then school doesn’t have to convince you to come. If your stats are impressive enough to warrant merit aid, then I would assume you could easily get in through regular decision.