Is it true that Wharton kids got hoodies and USB flash drives?????

<p>say it aint soooo. y doenst penn love us engineers? i feel like the ginger step child of penn rite nao :'((</p>

<p>!!! A HOODIE?!</p>

<p>I only got a USB flash drive!@</p>

<p>^ what? i was accepted to wharton ED and i didnt get anything?</p>

<p>i got a usb drive. thats it.</p>

<p>i got the hoodie on the same day that i got my usb… but thats because my parents ordered me one. who said anything about a hoodie? if i get one in the mail soon i’m going to be angry because i already bought one haha</p>

<p>so when did you guys get usb drives in the mail? along with your acceptance letter or after you sent the $200 deposit</p>

<p>idk if the usb was sent due to the deposit but i believe it was a little while after the deposit. quite a while after the acceptance though. weeks, almost a month probably.</p>

<p>how many GB?</p>

<p>Quaker, today is 1 month…</p>

<p>I can guarantee that no one got a free hoodie. My S received a key chain with the Wharton logo back in the days. It broke soon after.</p>

<p>lol nice call. well i got that packet about a week ago, but i definitely suck with time hahah</p>

<p>why don’t engineers get anything? no love…</p>

<p>not to sound cynical or anything, but just be happy that you already got into penn…</p>

<p>i need a USB drive…</p>

<p>So buy one…</p>

<p>So that’s what they use the $500 confirmation fee for.</p>

<p>There’s plenty of opportunities for engineers to get free t-shirts during the first few weeks of school (I think one of my friends got 4…) Us college kids though don’t get anything (there isn’t even a college shirt) :P</p>

<p>^Okay that compensates slightly then hehe.</p>

<p>ughh. i don’t get anything? boo.</p>

<p>how many GB are the flash drives?</p>