<p>Is it true that if you graduate from an ivy league university, you are never going to become poor?</p>
<p>That's ridiculous.</p>
<p>You can become rich or poor no matter what university you attend.</p>
<p>Thats false! How stupid is this thread.</p>
<p>It would probably be hard to be really poor if you graduate from an ivy league school as long as you don't do something really stupid. I mean an ivy league degree could always get you say, a secretary's job.</p>
<p>not if he or she went crazy or stopped caring or got hooked on drugs or became very ill</p>
<p>Yeah. It's easy to become poor, no matter what college you attend.</p>
<p>What do you mean by poor?</p>
<p>A kid in my neighborhood graduated from an ivy a few years back and he doesn't even have a job (lives with his parents)</p>
<p>That's definitely not true.</p>
<p>Just because you went to Harvard doesn't mean you still can't **** up.</p>
<p>..or just choose a different lifestyle.
My uncle had a full scholarship to UChicago but he dropped out and became a socialist. Now he works on the New York City subway system, and he's perfectly happy. He's been a pivotal member of the "League for the Revolutionary Party" for about 30 years.</p>
<p>Are you serious?</p>
<p>Yep .</p>
<p>well my dad says that you have to study hard in order to become doctors, and some doctors make a lot of money...</p>
<p>What's your point?</p>
<p>You also don't need to have much of a formal education to end up writing a fantastic piece of literature or revolutionize the adult film industry. Both of which can lead to wealth.</p>
<p>the only way to get poor after attending an ivy league is to really work hard towards getting poor</p>
<p>rule of thumb - if you have what it takes, you'll succeed no matter what institution you attend. if you don't have what it takes...well then chances are that you won't be rich. =) ivy league students are no exceptions...</p>