Is it worth applying?

<p>I'm a senior in one of the top public high schools in the US (in the top 20 I think) and I was wondering 2 things:
a) do i have even the slightest chance RD
b) which Upenn school is easiest to get into for me?</p>

<p>GPA un weighted: 3.3 (i know its whats killing me :()
SAT: CR: 660 M: 800 W: 700 (should i retake)
ACT: 31
SATII: Math 1: 770 Chem: 620 ( i took physics and math 2 in december, waiting on results)
My essay I am planning on making as good as I can. Both my recs will turn out quite well as will my SSR rec im sure. Through my HS career I've taken:
Honors Geometry
Honors English
Honors Physics
AP Literature
AP Calculus BC
AP Environmental Science
AP Statistics
And two courses for credit at brown u:
Principles of Economics
The Academic Essay (both of which count as AP classes?)</p>

<p>My ECs are:
1. Volunteered at a community center to teach mentally/physically handicapped kids (fresh- junior year)
2. Robotics team freshman and senior year
3. Leading a religious youth group at my hindu temple (Im Indian btw 1st gen)
4. Biology publication (in school) senior year
5. School Senator for 4 years.
6. Summer at brown 2008 7 weeks 2 credit courses
7. Volunteered at a afterschool program for elementary school kids
8. Math team last 2 years
9. Business Internship for four years </p>

<p>Also, my GPA went down sophomore year, but shot up by 7-8 points junior year. Does that help? Also, I transfered from AB to BC calculus second term (around this october's end) and had to teach myself a term of calculus and I'm getting an A- in the class despite that. </p>

<p>Please help me decide where in UPenn to apply, if I have a shot at Upenn and what strengths I should play on. My main goal is wharton, but I'm clearly in over my head. ALso, I have a teacher this year who likes me and has done his undergrad at UPenn, will it help to get a rec from him? Thanks for all your help!</p>

<p>You should apply based on what you want to study, not how good your chances are at a particular school. Regardless, I’ll give you my opinion on your chances.</p>

<p>Your GPA isn’t competitive at all for any of the schools. A 2160 is decent, but the subscore strength is distributed unevenly; in other words, while your cumulative score is all right, the Critical Reading section won’t help you, and 700 is low for Writing (supposedly the easiest section). An ACT of 31 is below average, as well. The rigor of your schedule is questionable, too, although I’m hoping you left some courses out, i.e. AP Biology/Chemistry/Language. The first semester of AP Calculus BC is basically review from Pre-Calculus, by the way, so, no offense, but the A- isn’t anything special. Finally, the extracurriculars you have listed are good, yet I cannot discern what direction you are taking with all of them because this list is so varied. It doesn’t help me figure out what you’re passionate about: robotics? biology? math? business? Perhaps you could clarify that in your essays. Speaking of which, you are going to have to write mind-blowing essays and have some solid recommendations (the one from the Penn alumnus teacher would help, but it won’t be a major factor) if you want a definite chance at Wharton. I hope that helps you.</p>

<p>Go for it! Your stats certainly aren’t unheard of for admission. If you can’t afford it, you can get a fee-waiver; and if you can, you might as well see what happens.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help.
Westmere, in my school, first term Calc covers integrals, derivatives, chain/product/quotient rule and velocity it was honestly a challenge. But thanks both of u for advice. My interest is business, and wharton is my goal. Thats why i did a business internship
Thx so much for the feedback, I’m going to retake the SAT.</p>

<p>It was wrong of me to assume that just because my PC Honors class covered those topics during second semester, others did as well, so I apologize. Although my opinion of your chances was admittedly a bit pessimistic (I don’t like shamelessly getting a person’s hopes up), I think, like muerteapablo, that you should apply despite what your chances may be. Good luck with your SAT and your application!</p>

<p>id apply, your CR seems low, but who cares, you’ll regret it if u dont</p>

<p>Thx again u guys are awesome. Westmere, its okay, and quite honestly, I’m setting myself up for disappointment. I’ve decided to apply because u said afitscher, I may regret it. Any tips?</p>